Big Queer Book Club Podcast

Humberly Gonzalez - Stray City by Chelsey Johnson

Amanda and Kendra

"All of us were refugees of the nuclear family..." - Chelsey Johnson
This is a thought provoking and insightful episode, y'all! 
Join us as we discuss the intricacies of Stray City with actor Humberly Gonzalez!

Book Summary:
Twenty four year old artist Andrea Moralez escaped her Midwestern Catholic childhood - and the closet - to create a home and life for herself within the thriving but insular lesbian underground of Portland, Oregon. But one drunken night, reeling from a bad breakup and a friend's betrayal, she recklessly crosses enemy lines and hooks up with a man. To her utter shock, Andrea soon discovers she's pregnant - and despite the concerns of her astonished circle of gay friends, she decides to have the baby.