Adelaide Entrepreneur Club

Adelaide Entrepreneur Club Episode 57 - Probability v Possibility - Dr Sean Richardson

Stephen Fry Season 2 Episode 57

Donna and I met Dr Sean Richardson on our journey of meeting people every day. Joe Roberts The Skid Row CEO suggested we connect.  

From Dr Sean Richardson's Energy Health Inc website:

Within his PhD in performance psychology, Sean examined burnout and energy health management in elite performers, leading to an intuitive understanding of the mental and physical factors that start and stop you from succeeding. Throughout his journey, Sean has integrated his understanding of brain science and function with his expertise in energy health to develop high performance applications, creating a track record of delivering successful high performance solutions, culture and leadership development programs to small and large organisations.

Sean has 2 decades experience in mentoring professional sports coaches, athletes, and corporate executives to achieve excellence, which has guided his clients to take #1 position in their industries (including 2 pro football teams that have gone to #1).

Sean facilitates high performance development in your life to get you to optimum energy health and wellbeing, communicating and collaborating effectively, adhering to the highest standards, executing with maximum accountability, and achieving your biggest individual and organisational goals.

As a former elite athlete, National Champion, and Olympic level competitor, who has personal experience with overtraining and burnout, Sean can also relate intimately to your experiences with juggling high performance and energy health. As a registered psychologist, Sean brings a distinctly human, compassionate side to his work, helping you, when you are in need, to navigate the more challenging personal and emotional roadblocks that arise in managing stress, burnout and mental health.

Dr Sean Richardson

Stephen Fry