Alaska Climate and Aviation Podcast

Skwentna Roadhouse~49th Iditarod~Lisa Good

Skwentna Roadhouse’s Cindy~Musician Lisa Good Season 2 Episode 6

Springtime in Alaska comes alive with people celebrating the return of the sunshine and  lots of outdoor sports, including dog mushing. On March 7th, 46 dog teams departed Deshka Landing near Willow, Alaska and headed for the first checkpoint of Skwentna. As a flying reporter, my daughter and I headed out from Talkeetna, Alaska and flew to a small airstrip of Skwentna to look for the first dog teams. While we arrived a bit early to see the teams, our day was shaped by good Alaska fun of meeting folks off the road system and enjoying a burger and wings from the Skwentna Roadhouse. 

Dallas Seavey won this year's race in a mere 7 days, 14 hours, and 8 minutes.
For more stories and results of the Last Great Race, check out their website below.

For new aerial photography of flying in the Alaska Range and Talkeetna Mountains, check out:

Thanks so much for tuning into All Cooped Up Alaska, which had it's first episode on March 23, 2020. This podcast has been about generating positivity and sense of connection in a pandemic.
Thankfully, we are hoping to be soon the other side of the pandemic as vaccinations are becoming widely available. I may have to shift gears to a new name for All Cooped Up Alaska...Any suggestions from you are welcome!

My email is:

You can also follow me on Instagram @akktwriter.
And Facebook Katie Writer Photography and Art.

Happy Springtime to you wherever your perch may be. 


Katie Writer
All Cooped Up Alaska

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