Carolinas AGC Buildercast

Employee Mental Health and Wellness During COVID-19

CarolinasAGC Season 1 Episode 2

Guest Speaker: Dawn Klug, Employee Assistance Network, Asheville, NC
Interviewed by: Betsy Bailey, NC Government Relations & Building Division

Our employees are are not only our most valuable asset in business, they are also family. Caring for our workforce means we are diligent and adamant about following CDC physical guidelines, but also about being observant and responsive to changing behaviors, stress and anxiety levels. We must respond to these challenges in a helpful and effective way for the individuals we work with and love and for the health of our business and industry. 

Buildercast is created and produced by Carolinas AGC with a goal of reaching a wider audience and providing information that contributes to the success of our industry, and those working in the industry.

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