Carolinas AGC Buildercast

Recruitment and Hiring During the COVID-19 Crisis

CarolinasAGC Season 1 Episode 7

Guest Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Battle-Bryant, Ph.D., SHRM-CP
President and Owner, Battle Plan Consulting, LLC
Interviewed by: Tammy Ford, Director, Carolinas AGC Foundation's Build Your Career Workforce Development Program

Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, the construction industry was already in the midst of a workforce shortage that presented challenges to employers in their attempts to recruit and hire new workers. Due to the rapid emergence of the coronavirus and the resultant disruptions to our personal and professional routines, these existing challenges have undeniably been exacerbated.

This global health crisis has forced many employers to not only restructure their entire work flow process and elevate their safety practices, but it has also significantly impeded their normal recruitment, interviewing and hiring efforts. This week’s Carolinas AGC BuilderCast series is led by Dr. Rebecca Battle-Bryant, President and Owner of Battle Plan Consulting, LLC, and contains a variety of useful human resource tips that employers can utilize while revamping their existing HR, recruiting and hiring strategies as they go virtual in response to COVID-19.

Buildercast is created and produced by Carolinas AGC with a goal of reaching a wider audience and providing information that contributes to the success of our industry, and those working in the industry.

View all episodes of this series and others.
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