Carolinas AGC Buildercast

Vamos a Platicar: Johnny Ortiz on Building Trusting Relationships to Foster Inclusive Workplaces

June 23, 2020 CarolinasAGC Season 2 Episode 2

Guest Speaker: Johnny Ortiz, Regional Vendor Diversity Manager, Skanska USA
BuilderCast Series Host: Betsy Bailey, Director of Government Relations, NC
BuilderCast Co-Host and Producer: Sharon Walters, Director of Digital Operations

Johnny's path to construction included early hands-on experience in the industry, and parents that encouraged education as well as construction as a career. Their advice to him was that a being skilled in a trade provides security, a sense of honor and also great earning potential. After struggling as a young man, Johnny pursued and graduated with his GED, went to trade school and earned HVAC-R certification. He then gained more experience working with a small family-owned business and was a part of the firm for 10 years. Working with that family and their firm influenced Johnny and is something that informs and drives him while he works on behalf of small, women & minority firms working on Skanska projects.

In this podcast, we dive into the challenges faced by our Hispanic workforce and staying safe and healthy during COVID-19. With the pandemic disproportionately affecting this community, how can companies create a space that is inclusive and free from fear so that we can better listen, AND get safety messages out more effectively? Additionally, How can we partner with community groups where trust is already established to help protect these communities?

Finally, we discuss the work that is ongoing to create a more diverse and sustainable industry. Programs to get the message about construction careers to our youth are more important now than ever and we must continue working and find new ways to get to parents and teachers to promoting construction the way that Johnny's parents did for him.

Buildercast is created and produced by Carolinas AGC with a goal of reaching a wider audience and providing information that contributes to the success of our industry, and those working in the industry.

View all episodes of this series and others.
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