Malti Johari's Podcast

7. Upanishad Sangrha

Malti Johari

In this Episode the Mandookya Upanishad has been narrated. In this Upanishad the importance of the syllable "om" has been explained.  It is the cosmic sound and an affirmation of the divine force. In all the Upanishads meditation by reciting "om" has been given the primary method of knowing the divine. 

All philosophers have used different words, such as the world and Creator of the world, birth and death, living and nonliving, etc. to explain the mysteries of the world and it's Creator. However, when a wise person recognizes that even though the philosophers use different words to explain the divine force, they all speak about the same Creator who is omnipresent in everything, then there remains no dispute or debate on the words, and one can lead a peaceful life.