Modestly Awkward

Covenant Series: The Blessing Plan

Season 1 Episode 8

John 14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments. 

When we love someone, we genuinely want to make them happy, not hurt them, and care for their best interest. That is the same way when you are in a relationship with God.  My late Pastor, Bishop William Lee Bonner, would always have us read Deuteronomy 28 versus 1-14. His point was to show us the importance of obedience to God and His word.  He made sure to let us know that we would have to go through stages to enjoy the blessings of God.  If we put God first, we would see the fruit of the relationship. 


In this episode, I sit down and talk to my client Brandice Daniel, Founder of Harlem’s Fashion Row, about the importance of obeying God and how He has blessed her and her business.  Listen to her testimony on how obedience leads her to start a non-profit that received a million-dollar donation. You will be amazed!!