
Pam Gunther Troublemaker at Fit and Fun Playscapes

March 09, 2021 Steve St. Clair / Pam Gunther Season 2 Episode 2
Pam Gunther Troublemaker at Fit and Fun Playscapes
Show Notes

Pam Gunther of Fit and Fun Playscapes wanted to build a business selling inventive active learning solutions into schools. She didn’t rush the launch of Fit and Fun Playscapes. Instead, she used the time to embed herself into the education world, talking to physical educators, principals, teachers, occupational therapists and health professionals, learning about their struggles and the important multi-faceted connections between physical activity, the brain and learning. 

 10 years later, Pam credits that scientific approach as a major factor of Fit and Fun’s success.  Anyone can produce stencils or stickers and sell them into school systems; and plenty do. However, most of Pam’s competitors don’t build science into their products.

 Then COVID-19 hit and school buildings were off limits. Being an entrepreneur is tough enough but, as you’ll learn in this podcast, using difficult times to re-focus and execute careful pivots will position you for future success.

 There are lessons in this podcast for any size business owner.