Give Him 15 Plus | Insights with Dutch

Pictures of Passover

Dutch Sheets Season 1 Episode 3

Because many prophetic voices are highlighting the significance of Passover this year, we felt this special podcast episode would be especially meaningful. While under a heavy anointing, Dutch shares five “Pictures of Passover” illustrating Jesus as our sacrificial lamb. We are the beneficiaries of Jesus’ sacrifice! No wonder all of heaven cries, “Worthy is the Lamb!”

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Dutch Sheets:   0:00
Hallelujah! Thank you, Father, for what this day represents. Thank you for what this season represents. Thank you for the strength that we feel in the very atmosphere. Thank you for the breath of heaven that is here. Thank you for the spirit of awakening that is here. Thank you, Lord, for the portal that you have opened over this place in this place and even out from this place. We thank you, Lord, for the new that we're moving into. We thank you, Lord, for the revelation that we are not stuck in the past, but that we are in a process. A journey of moving forward into new beginnings. New every morning. But, Lord, even a new season with you where everything all around the Earth is about to change. The great harvest of the ages is about to begin. Even has begun. Nations will turn to you. Strongholds that have existed for centuries, millennia will come down in this hour. Millions will come to you. The spirit of revelation will permeate the atmosphere over entire cities and nations. Entire people  groups, entire races will have a spirit broken off of them and they will move into a spirit of revelation. We thank you, Lord, that this will be the greatest hour for the message of the cross. The message of Yeshua, the message of our Messiah. The message of he who came to die for all! Every people, every nation and father, he asked for all the nations as his inheritance and you said he could have them and you announced There will be people there from every tribe and people and tongue and nation. And we say not one word will pass away until it's all fulfilled. So we celebrate this day. Even as they celebrated his entrance into the city, we celebrate what he accomplished. We celebrate who he is and who you are and who he has made us. Come on, give him one more shout of praise! Yeah! Hallelujah! Yeah, yeah. Amen. Amen. Amen. Well, if you're still standing, you can be seated. What a great day. What a great season this is. I don't know how it worked out that I would get to be here this weekend, but I'm thrilled that I'm here this weekend. You know, I never am asked to speak this Sunday or next Sunday, which is what we call Easter or resurrection Sunday because most churches have other things going on and productions and this and that. But somehow this year, I've been scheduled here this week and in another congregation next week, Easter Sunday. I just think the Lord wants me to get to announce all over again, like I used to get to do every year, the cross and the resurrection. I believe this season we move into a fresh beginning. Chuck asked me to speak on Passover today. I think sometimes we need to remind ourselves that they're people that come this time of year. They watch us online that do not know what this day is all about. What are all these Palm branches all about? What is passover all about? What's the lamb? I heard of a man that was saved recently. A young man started attending a congregation first Sunday, or so he was there, he was upfront worshipping, and they began to sing that chorus we used to sing, worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the lamb. He walked over to the pastor's wife and said, "So what's with the lamb?" Had no religious background whatsoever. Think about it. I mean, as far as he's concerned, it would have been the same if they would have been singing about a cow or a dog or a horse. What's with the lamb? Why are we singing about an animal? Let me give you just a quick, quick version of what that's all about. And then I wanna walk us through some pictures in the Old Testament and and right up to the cross that show us the benefits, not the event so much as, what did it do for us? Why are we celebrating? And of course, Passover is all about the sacrificial lamb that was offered when God was about to deliver Israel out of Egypt and do it with great strength and do it even with the loss of life of the firstborn of Egypt. But Israel was told to put the blood of the Passover lamb on the door post, and every household that had that he would pass over them. They would be protected. And, of course, from that moment on, that sacrifice that was celebrated every year and that deliverance that was celebrated every year came to be called Passover, and that sacrificial lamb came to be called the Passover lamb, where we celebrate that he passed over his people and brought judgment to his enemies. Of course, all of that was simply leading up to the sacrificial lamb that Jesus became. In John 1:29, John announced when he made his way toward John, "Behold the lamb that takes away the sin of the world." Paul spoke in 1 Corinthians 5 and said, Christ, our Passover has been sacrificed. Messiah has come and all of those pictures every year the Passover lamb, every family offering the lamb, all of that picture through Christ who became our Passover. And of course, we do sing just as I told you about with this young man we sing. They sing in Revelation. We will be singing in heaven, "worthy is the lamb, worthy is the Passover lamb". I love to look at pictures in the scriptures. I love to look at typology. I love to look at different passages that give us graphic pictures and insight into the story. So I'm gonna start with Abraham. That's a good place to start, isn't it? One of the first pictures of the Cross in the Bible,  Genesis, Chapter 22. I  won't read these stories for the sake of time, I'll just recap them. But God's journey with Abraham, as you know, began in Genesis Chapter 12 when God was moving into the next step after he announced after the fall, I will get my family back. I will recapture them and I will recapture the Earth. Then he looked for a man that he could use. He came to Abraham in Chapter 12 and he announced to him, I'm going to enter into an agreement with you, Abraham. This is what I'm going to do for you. And then he went on to say, because I'm going to use you to bless the Earth. Let me paraphrase that. We sang about the dream, just a minute ago. God was saying, "I'm going to recapture my dream. My dream of family is not over. You don't know it yet, but you're gonna be the person that I use to bring forth the person that will get my family back." So he put Abraham into the dream in Genesis, Chapter 12. Isn't it interesting? This fascinates me, that when he was looking for someone to partner with to help him get his dream back, he gave him a dream. When God wants to use us, he doesn't just use us. He partners with us and he says, not only do I want a dream, I want to give you a dream. Isn't it awesome? You're gonna dream here, dream about this land dream about a family, dream about a family that becomes a nation. In fact, look up at the stars. Look down at the sand. That's what I'm gonna do for you. I'm going to give you a family. Go ahead and dream and you're gonna help me get my dream. That all took a strange turn in Genesis 22. After 25 years of waiting for Isaac, now he's a young man, probably a teenager. God did something very unusual. He told Abraham to take Isaac to a particular mountain and offer him as a sacrifice. And, of course, that mountain was Mount Moriah, where eventually the cross would take place. Where Yeshua, our Passover lamb, would be sacrificed for us. And God is about to paint a picture for us of him offering his son. And we know the story well, he told Abraham,  "Go build an altar, offer Isaac there."  And Isaac says, "Where is the sacrifice?" And Abraham said, "God will provide the lamb. God will provide the sacrifice and we know that God, just at the last moment, as Abraham had the knife ready, the angel said, "Stop Abraham", and the picture was complete. We get to go free and God provides his son as the substitute and the sacrifice. And isn't it interesting? Isn't it amazing that that's the place where we find God first called Jehovah or Yahweh, Jireh, the Lord our provider? Because there he painted the picture of him providing the lamb. But it's also fascinating for me and beautiful to me that not only did he become the provider there, he showed us that he would have to be the provision. And through his provisions for us, God would recapture his dream. And what is that dream? Here's what I want to say through this point. You are the dream. Don't belittle yourself. You are the dream. You're a dream come true. You're the person. You're the family. You're the people that he dreamed about. You're the reason he was willing to become the lamb. You're the reason that he became Jehovah Jireh, you're the reason that he became the provision. You were on his mind. And I think that the other thing that I feel like the Lord spoke to me this morning was, it was important for God to know that Abraham trusted him enough to do this. Abraham and God's relationship went to an entirely new level at this point. But the Lord spoke to me and said that it wasn't that it was so essential that Abraham was willing to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, that was important. But you know what was even more important? That he was able to trust God enough. Because God said to me, "The highest point in our relationship is not sacrifice, it's friendship."  And because Abraham was willing to trust God with his dream, he was able to say, I can give you anything I have now, because I trust you enough that you're not a taker, you're a giver. And all those years that I questioned, "Is he really going to come through for me? Is the dream really gonna happen?" I've settled all that. I know now he is the provider. He is the dream giver. He's not the dream taker. And no matter what he asked me to do, no matter if I have to go all the way with a knife, he'll raise him from the dead. Because he's not the taker. He's the giver. And I have enough faith to trust him with everything. My entire destiny is wrapped up in this kid, but I know I can trust Jehovah with him. I know that I can trust him. No matter what it takes, he'll give him back. So I just want to say to you the Passover pictures, the fact that cross pictures the fact that you can trust him with everything. Listen, I don't care if that kid, that child is not saved yet, you can trust him with your family. I don't care what's happened to your health, you can trust him. He's going to come through for you. I don't care what you've lost, he's gonna come through for you. You need to trust the provider. I love that verse in Romans 8- He who spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all. How shall he not also with him, freely give us all things? Listen, if we can trust him to send Jesus all the way to the cross, you can trust him with your dream. And interestingly, I love it when you trust him with your dream. The ultimate is that you and God begin to share the dream. And they sat down together after this pre enactment of the cross. God told Abraham one more time. Go ahead and look at the stars. Look at the sand. Go ahead and dream again and I'll sit here and dream with you, because your dream is really my dream. I'm gonna give you a nation you're gonna give us a redeemer and together we're gonna save the world. Abraham, I don't think really understood that his dream was really God's dream. You haven't really learned to dream until you get that revelation. That business you dream of, if you get God in the picture with you and make it his dream as well, so that he can provide. He'll make you rich. He will. You know the next picture? I want to talk about the next picture of the cross, or Passover, is when Joshua's leading the Israelites  across the Jordan River into the promised land. Of course, God's says, in three days, you're gonna cross this Jordan, not the 6 months from now, but this one. And that's interesting, because we know from later versus that at this time of the year, the Jordan River was in flood stage. It pictures for us, death. How do we get across this chasm? This breach, this gulf that has been created between us and our inheritance and God, there's a flood. There's an impossible river. There's an impossible obstacle that stands between us and life. There's an impossible obstacle that stands between us and our inheritance. Our promise, all that that promised land represents our salvation. There is something between us and that inheritance that it's impossible for us to get across on our own. That Jordan River, more than anything else, pictured spiritual death. That's why God said the Ark, which represents the Lord himself has to go into the Jordan first. How would you like to have been one of the priests carrying the ark? He didn't do it like he did for Moses, when he rolled back the Red Sea. All Moses had to do was stretch out the rod. But in this particular instance, when Joshua lead them across the Jordan River, he didn't start rolling the Jordan back until the priest's got in the edge of that flooded river, which is probably a mile wide. Now, Wait a minute. I'm moving too fast. I want you to picture a river that at certain times of the year, it's 40 or 50 feet across. And now, at this time of year, we know that the Jordan River was probably a mile wide, raging torrent of a river. And we've got kids and animals and possessions. And he asks, how are we going to get across?. Well, all I have is a word from God. What are we going to do, Joshua? You guys step in first. You know, if I had been one of the priests, I would have been probably glad if it wasn't my day to carry the Ark. It pictures for us, Christ entering into death, the ark of his presence. He has to go first. Then he said, "When it rolls back, don't go on across. Stay in that river bed with the ark until the whole nation passes through." What is that picture? We were crucified with him. We enter into his death with him. He went to the cross to take our old man to the cross, to take our curses, to take our sins, to take our failure, to take our spiritual death, to take our separation from God. He said, "Come on in here with me. Let's go into this together." And then they went out on the other side, which pictures resurrection. And I think most of you know, but sometimes we forget that there are a lot of newcomers into the kingdom that don't know that when God rolled back that Jordan River, he didn't just roll it back a mile or so to let these few 100,000 people across. He rolled the Jordan River back around 20 miles, all the way to a town called Adam. You don't have to even be prophetic to get that. He rolled death all the way back to Adam. Everything you inherited, every person that's ever lived. They had a right. Every person that believed, even in the old covenant, they're going to get the opportunity through the new covenant to go all in. Every person back to Adam can pay partake of this. Everything you inherited from Adam, he's going to roll it all the way back. What does that say to us? Let me tell you what it says to you. You don't have to take anything you got from Adam into your new inheritance. You don't have to take death. You don't have to take sin. You don't have to take shame. You don't have to take curses. You don't take your past with you when you go into the promised land.  He rolls all of that Adamic nature off of you and he gives you a brand new inheritance in Christ. You better take it. I'm telling you. I love this, you know, when they cross that Jordan the cross, then they come out, resurrection. God told Joshua, build two memorials, take stones and build memorials, so the next generation can remember and be told and taught what happened at the Jordan that put one in the Jordan River bed, before God let the water rolled back, he gave them time when everyone was across for them to build a monument or a memorial right there in the Jordan River, so that when it wasn't in flood stage  there would be this pile of rocks sticking up out of the Jordan River. And all the kids could say, What's that pile of stones out there, Dad? That's when the Lord rolled back this river all the way to Adam and gave us our inheritance, the promised land. They build another. They built a memorial on the Canaan inheritance Salvation Side of the Jordan River. And isn't it interesting? He told Joshua for this memorial put it on the salvation, on the Canaan, on the promised land side. Not the wilderness side, on this side over here. I want you to take the stones out of the Jordan River. What's that all about? Because it's only through the cross, that we get the inheritance. You gotta take it out of that, which pictures him going into death for you and everything you get on this side is gonna be based on that. You can't get to resurrection until you go through the cross. You can't get to the miracle, the healing, the deliverance without going through the cross. Isn't it awesome that God wouldn't let them build a memorial over on that wilderness side? You got to get that. Some of you missed it. Don't build any remembrance. Don't build any memorial over on the wilderness side. I don't want you remembering your failures. I don't want you remembering your defeat, your devastation, your shame. Don't you bring that past, don't you bring your adultery over here. Don't you bring the shame of it! Don't you bring your homosexuality. Don't you bring your prostitution. Don't you bring your abuse, your shame, you're weakness, don't to bring that over here. I don't want you remembering that. Come on, I'm telling you God's breaking something off a people right now. I say to you, the blood of Jesus delivers you from everything in your past. You are clean, you are pure. You are undefiled. You are holy. You are righteous. You are the dream. You don't have to hang your head when somebody preaches on Holiness. You don't have to hang your head when somebody mentions abortion. That was an old man and an old woman that is dead and buried. You're not guilty of abortion anymore. Don't you love the Apostle Paul? Who, by the way, we tend to forget killed Christians before he came to the Lord. Standing, writing in his epistles later in the prison and makes a statement "I have wrong to no man." How could a murderer that used to go into homes, drag the parents out in front of their children and throw him into prison because they were followers of Yeshua? How could somebody say I have never wronged anybody? Because he said that man is dead and buried. He's on the other side of the river. I didn't bring him with me. This man is new. All things have become new. No wonder he could say there is therefore now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Don't bring your past. If you built a memorial to your past, tear it down, now! There's one more picture of this. This thing of leaving the past. God painted a picture of the cross Passover on a mountain called Ebal. Two mountains that are very significant (there are others, of course) but two very significant mountains in Israel, Ebal and Gerizim.. God told Moses to tell Joshua, As soon as you've conquered enough of the land to be able to do this, I want you to go paint a picture for me. I want you to take the nation and put them in the valley between these two mountains, and it kind of forms an amphitheater effect where you could stand on this mountain and shout and decree and the people below can hear. Then you stand over here and do the same, and people could hear. And all the nation is in this valley between Ebal and Gerizim, but six representatives from six tribes went upon Ebal, and six representatives from six tribes went up on Gerizim. From Ebal they begin to announce the curses of breaking covenant with God, the curses of disobedience. We could read them, and it would be depressing. Gory do Deuteronomy 27 28. But don't read it now. Read it when you're trying to journal all the things you don't have to put up with any more because they they stood there and they decreed these things cursed. Will you be if you do this and they start announcing I mean, you're going to die with this. You're gonna die with that. You're gonna be poor. You're gonna hear family's gonna gonna not prosper in there. And your wife is gonna have this. And that is awful. And the people are watching and listen. But on Garrison, this became the mount of cursing. This became the Mount of Blessing. They decreed. But blessed shall you be. You don't have to choose that. Blessed will you be if you do this and go read the first 50 10 15 verses of doing around mid 28 you'll be the head, not the tail. The horrible calls your enemies to rise up, rise up against you to be smitten before your face. They'll come out one way, flea, seven ways and on and on and on. Your Barnes will be filled. Your that's today. They would say your bank account will be filled, your business will prosper. It's so interesting to me. They didn't build an altar upon gears him, and I'm not I'm not even sure they understood what they were doing. But God said, by the way, have the guys on Abel amount of cursing build an altar? You're gonna You're gonna offer a sacrifice there. But wait Before you do want you to paint it. What did you write all these curses, right? All these ordinances on the altar. What is that all about? Well, I don't think anyone really understood it to Paul with his revelation begins to write in Colossians and talks about Jesus. When the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, he took in nailed to the tree that writing of those curses on that altar was a picture of Jesus taking all your curses, all your inabilities, all your weaknesses, all your judgments. Everything you've ever done that makes you guilty. He took it and nailed to the cross and the handwriting of ordinances that was against you. He nailed it on the cross. Every time the enemy brings it a point to the Passover lamb. That's why Galatians says he took He became a curse for us that we might receive the blessings. Don't bring that stuff with you into the kingdom. Don't you do that. Leave it all over there. Here's another great picture. Passover. This 1 may surprise you. The word Passover and Hebrew is a word. You know, you, you guys, you guys here. But maybe there's some people that are new, you know, a bruise, a picture language. So, you know, it paints a lot of pictures, so these words could be translated a lot of different ways. But the root word for Passover is also the word for dance. Yeah, so because Because Look up here right now. I just look over your note takers. Look up your second. He put the blood on the door posts he's gonna pass over. So when you dance, I won't. I won't dare to really try to dance, but did you see these people up here today that could, you know, Passover. So it's the word for dance, and it's even the word for limp. You see that? Hey, the picture. So Elijah comes to the Israel lights that are worshipping bail and Isabel and he's confronting him. How are you gonna do this? You got to figure out whether you believe bail is God or Yahweh. Jehovah had own eye that you gotta figure out who you really believe is God. You could say they were worshipping bail, not just because they were afraid of Jezebel. I mean, that may have been a little intimidation, but in that day, people had multiple gods. It wasn't that I didn't believe in you away at all. It was because it was simply that they had added mail. And sometimes we need him. And sometimes we need him. Bear was the god of fertility. You'd be bearing if you didn't worship bail. There was the God of wealth. Bail, huh? Mon, the God of wealth and prosperity. You may not prosper if you don't worship bail. There was the God that gave them fruitfulness in the their crops. Bail was the god of war that gave them victory in battle. So we need male. But way need Jehovah. But we also need bail, and Elijah's comes alone. He says, Look, you gotta make up your mind. You can't have both. And then and the word in case the old King James orders halt because halting is an older where we don't use as much anymore. But it wasn't just used to mean stop. It was it was used to mean limp walked, walked haltingly was you read some of the newer translations. It won't read. How long hoped ae between opinions, it will say, How long will you limp between opinions? It's also used in a few verses later when the profits of bail we're trying to get bail to show up, and they couldn't do it. So they began to cut themselves. Bail the god of bail. The demon bail is behind the cutting blood sacrifices. And they tried that and they called on bail all day and they couldn't game to respond. So they thought, Well, maybe we need to react our version of Passover. Maybe we need to worship our God bail. And so they began to dance all around the altar and do their thing dancing the dance of bail. But the word when Elijah it uses it to the Israel lights. You must see the play on words there. He's saying to them, You think you're dancing with bail, but it's really a limp. You think he's You think he's something to help you? You think you can celebrate this God? You think he comes through for you? He provides for you. But I'm telling you, he said. This is not a dance. There may be pleasure in sin for a season. But I'm telling you, this is not a dance. This is a limp. How long will you live the lip of bail rather than dancing the true dance of Passover? Like the ladies who came out of Egypt under the strength of the Passover lamb and crab, their tambourines on Miriam Let the dance Passover. You gotta get that. Let me pair phrase that don't if Bale If there's if there's an influence of other gods, that's compromisers, idolatry. It's not really prosperity you're getting you're getting stolen from. It's not really fruitfulness to getting its baroness you're getting Don't limp, the limp of bail. Who wants to steal from you? This says to us Choose this day who you are, sir. And finally, after God answered by fire because the God of Passover sends the fire. After Passover comes the fire of Pentecost and the God who answers by fire showed up on the scene and the and the people begin to say The Lord he has got the Lord. He is God, the Lord he has got and their lips turned into a dance. I tell you, there's joy in the Lord. I just kind of feel like before this is over, somebody's gonna lose their limp And you're gonna dance your way into a new revelation of your inheritance. Jezebel's gonna be broken I tell you, America is gonna have the spirit of Jezebel and bail broken off of her once and for all And America will once again dance the dance of Passover America were once again dance The Dance of Yahweh Jehovah God the only true in living God and this nation There will be millions upon millions upon millions never begin to say the Lord he is God. This is not my God is my God On the dance of Victory will begin. Bail doesn't give you victory. Yeah, way gives you victory and into the cross. I think somebody's about to dance in here. Let me do one more before you start dancing. Okay? Yeah, No, I'll do to really fast. Just really fast. Who just I know your feet are already moving. Just sit down and keep it moving. We're going to dance in a minute. Oh, I love this. When I got to do. Quit. I'm not Do all of them, but I'm gonna take you to do more real quick. You know when Jesus is there on the cross? I saw the previews again in this new movie is supposed to be a pretty good movie. It's called The Son of God, but he's on the Carlson. He's about to die. I mean, the Passover lamb is about to die, and he's there on the cross and they show Jesus doing this. It is finished. I'm sorry. That's not the way it happened. That was not an announcement of death that came next, Father into thy hands, I commend my spirit. That was a decree that he was finishing what he was sent to do. Eyes is not even three words in Hebrew or Greek. It is the word to tell a sty in Greek that means to a fully accomplished ago and bring it to its intended outcome. And it's also the word they stamped on the invoices in the marketplace of that day, for their phrase paid in full. But Jesus said to tennis star, and by the way, the New Testament tells us he didn't barely breathe out those words? It says he shouted with a loud voice. Thio, he was quoting, Hey, was quoting some 20 to 31 the Hebrew word Assad, which is also word that means to complete. If you read some 22 you will find the last words of that psalm in the amplified Bible. Say he has accomplished it, and then you'll see the phrase It is finished because he probably actually used that word saw. He may have used both of them. It doesn't really matter by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The writer used to tell a sty paid in full, but he used the word assault, which does mean to complete. But I tell you something else. That means it means to create. It's the word for creation of the Earth people of the oceans of the seas. When he said, I saw, he was saying Come for new creation. I have recaptured the dream and there's a new race of people in the way and the veil and the tempo was ripped into from the top to the bottom because God was saying, Come on into my presence again come close to May draw near and Paul writing and in Corinthians says, Don't you know that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit? And when he used the word temple and I'm finishing with this, he didn't use yet Iran, which would have been the word for the whole temple he used not us, which is the word reserved only for the holy of holies. Paul said, Don't you know that when that fail was Thorn into that no longer was the holy of holies. The glory of God was not shock hunting in there anymore. It didn't hang out in there. The light of his presence wasn't hanging out in there anymore. The blood, all of these things. That picture is finished. You have now once again become the home of for his breath, his spirit, his glory, the weighty kebab of God now twelves inside of you through the Passover lamb. You are the tipo of the Holy Spirit. And listen to me very carefully. When I say what I'm about to say, you don't need a portal. You have become the portal. You are the access point of Almighty God into the earth. Revelation now resides inside of you. I've been thinking about this portal thing, Chuck, I've been thinking about the fact that portals are being open, but I heard him say to me this morning, You don't need open portals. You need a revelation that wherever you go, there's a portal because he's inside of you. You are his access point into the earth. I think somebody ought to dance the dance of Passover in this room. I think we ought to get those palm branches back out. I think somebody needs to get excited about what they left on the other side of the Jordan. Claire, up here, You don't have one. Come get it. The spirit of God is here. You need I am dancing over through the door this year into the future that God has for me. God is here. Refused. Toe left over creamier dancing doll. God has Yeah, we're gonna dance on our enemies. That's what Passover is all about. That's when he danced on the devil. That's when he danced on your disease. That's when he dazed on your failures at Passover. Lord spoke to me and said that this was our first food message this Passover. That's why and bought it. Dutch to come. Lord says we have heard the word of the Lord for this season to go through your door. You know, creek everything on the other side stage to decree. The blessings are crossing over Creep, You are dancing in on not let me alot of you at home. You get up, you cream. You are not limping into this next season you are on your way. Lose your joy. It's gonna lose your healing. It's gonna lose your supply, your cream coming in and coming through.