Give Him 15 Plus | Insights with Dutch

Cherry Blossoms, Washington, DC, and Valley Forge

Dutch Sheets Season 1 Episode 5

In this podcast, hear about my recent journey to Valley Forge and Washington DC, and how God led me by a series of 6 amazing dreams. Listen to what God is saying in this season as we embrace the promise of revival. Do not let the coronavirus steal your peace and control your future. The turnaround has begun and revival is still God’s plan.

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Dutch Sheets:   0:00
Hello and welcome to another Conversations with Dutch. I am really looking forward to this time today to share with you some things that are on my heart regarding what God is doing, regarding the virus and what the world is facing right now. I  released one podcast this week and that was regarding Passover. A message I did a while back called "Pictures of Passover". God has associated the breakthrough regarding this virus with Passover, my friend Chuck Pierce, actually prophesied that we would face  a great plague, well the world would, beginning early in the year and would last through Passover. God, through other prophets as well, has been associating the breakthrough season regarding this situation with Passover. We have sold this message, the one on the podcast we released. We've been selling it for two to three years in our bookstore, but I wanted to sow it, gift it into the body of Christ because it is such an encouraging message. It's one of the most powerful messages I've ever preached because it's so anointed by the Lord. So if you would listen to that and share it with your friends, you would find yourself very, very encouraged and faith will just rise up in you for breakthrough during this season. You would pray with greater faith and you'd be motivated to move forward. I do feel like I need to release this word also because it is a word of such hope and encouragement. It will give you a picture and understanding of the journey I've been on that the Lord actually used to prepare me for this time and the assignment that I would have in turning it back. It's also associated not just with the breaking of the plague, but of breakthrough in general, spiritually speaking, for our nation. So sit back and listen. Don't try to take a lot of notes, you note takers out there. You, just want to get the big picture what God is saying in this. It's a series of dreams and a prayer journey that I conducted based on those dreams, and I know you'll be encouraged as you listen. Back in October of last year, I was sent two dreams. One of them, relatively short, simply said my brother said he dreamed that I called him. He's a trusted prophet that God gives dreams for me. He said that in the dream, I called him and said, "Clear your schedule, make plans to meet me at Valley Forge". Well, as I'm sure, most not all of you know, Valley Forge was the winter encampment of George Washington and the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, which really became the make or break point of the war. Our troops were undersupplied and under fed. They didn't have medicine, they didn't have clothing. It was a brutal, brutal, brutal winter that they spent there with George Washington. If they made it, there was hope. But frankly, it was doubtful that they would survive. There was actually a plague, incidentally, consistent with where we are today. There was a plague that killed 2000 of them, and it was just a crucible time. It was really a season that they had to persevere incredibly, to be able to make it through this time. God used it to also bring discipline and bring people into the war to help them with funds, troops and training. So, Valley Forge was really the crossing over point, it was their passing over, it was the time they broke through. George Washington obviously was there. He no doubt had the appeal to heaven flag there. I say, no doubt because he is the one that commissioned the appeal to heaven flag. He's the one that asked for it to be made and commissioned. It flew over the ships on the mast of the ships in the wars. It flew over the battlefields. Why would not the man who commission the flag have one there with him at Valley Forge? He would go out from his headquarters, pray at a stream about 100 yards in front of it, every day. He was calling on God asking for mercy. Please, please give us food. Please help us through this time it was one of the places that marks the birthing of our nation. So I said, "Clear your schedule", in this dream. "Clear your schedule, make plans to meet me at Valley Forge". You said that Bill had a dream. I told him in his dream. I said, "Bill had a dream in which he said there were angels on reserve there that must be called into active duty." Well I knew Bill was the young man who gave me the appeal to heaven flag, my first one, and acquainted me with story. So I knew this was about appealing to heaven. It was about prayer. It was about Washington. It was about the same thing, rebirthing our nation, that had birthed it initially. A prayer movement of appealing to him. So I knew this was to be literal. I was going to have to go there and pray it wasn't just a symbolic thing. Then, another dream was sent to me in October. This is a little more detailed, it's a little longer dream. This is also from a very trusted prophet that the Lord uses to send me dreams, at times. And she said, "Before going to sleep last night, I had a quick vision of a very large statue of George Washington. He was mounted on the back of a horse that was in a reared up position. In his hand, he had a gun like those used in the Revolutionary War, but he was holding out in front of him, pointing it with one hand like a sword. That was the end of the vision." She said, "Then, I went to sleep and dreamed and the same statue was in my dream. I knew it was positioned in Washington D. C. because I could see the lit up Lincoln Memorial and the cherry blossoms." When God gives me a dream, you're going to see in a few minutes, that it was about me. I was in the dream. When that happens, and it's associated with Washington, D. C. or with our founding fathers and leaders from previous generations (This dream Washington Lincoln), I know it's about our destiny as a nation. It's about why God raised us up initially and it is about the synergy of the ages. You know, God walked me through a season during the appeal to heaven revelation where he showed me that not only can we agree in prayer with people alive today, we can agree with those from previous generations. We can come into agreement with what God promised them and what they asked him to do. If we come into agreement, there is a multiplying of power, just as happens when we agree in prayer with people in a service. Hebrews 11 actually says, God can't finish what he started through heroes of faith until the next generation comes into agreement and fulfills their part of that. So he called that to me. The synergy of the ages: when you align with the ages past appropriately, there is a synergistic release of power and anointing from him. It's like the double portion that came to Elisha. So I knew that this was about the nation. I knew it was about what God wants to do through our nation. And I knew it was about the synergy of the ages. So she says, "I saw the Lincoln memorial and I saw the cherry blossoms." Well, I knew that that was giving me the timing. There was no other reason for the cherry blossoms to be in the dream as far as I was concerned, other than the timing, which is late March, last part of March, first part of April. So I knew that this dream was about that season. She then said, "My noticing these scenes in the dream seemed to be significant. The gun that Washington was holding was pointing toward the Southwest statute pivot. I don't know how far around it could pivot, but I knew could go from southwest Northwest because I saw it moving these directions. Under the front legs of the statue of the rearing horse, I saw Dutch Sheets." I knew again, I'm going to have to go. This is more than symbolic. I just knew it as I read it. So I'm going to have to go to Valley Forge and i'm going to have to go to Washington D. C. Then she said, "I don't know who he was talking to, but he turned standing under the horse of Washington, he turned to his right and said, It's time. It was like what he was about to do had been reserved for a specific time and he recognized that this was that time. Again, the cherry blossoms dealt with timing. When he said, It's time, there was a huge megaphone that appeared, about the size of a three or four story building." Now, why would God use a megaphone? Well, you will see in a moment, but he's gonna amplify and send out the voice of decrees. It was about the size of a three, a four story building. She said, "I knew you couldn't lift that up, but all of a sudden there were a group of people, surrounding or aligning the megaphone, and they picked it up and held it on their shoulders, put it to his mouth as he stood under the statue. Then he (me) faced and spoke in whatever direction the gun in Washington's hand was pointed. When the gun moved, Dutch moved, and the megaphone was turned to accommodate him. As the people would carry the megaphone pointed in whatever direction the gun was pointed, Dutch began to release decrees. I don't know what the exact decrees were, but they had power in them." Now, let me stop and say, this is the Ecclesia. They put the megaphone in the dream on their shoulders, which symbolizes government. The Ecclesia is God's government in the earth. When Jesus said, I'll build my Ecclesia or church, He wasn't talking about a building. He was talking about a legislature. That's what the word meant in that day, when Jesus said that. To the Romans, to the Greeks an Ecclesia was a legislature, was a governing body. So Jesus said, I'm giving you keys or authority to bind and loose and those were government terms, they were judicial terms. You're going to be my governing agency, the governing arm of my kingdom. I'll give you the keys to the kingdom and you're going to bind and loose for me. You're going to operate in my name or in my authority, and you will be my legislative group on the Earth. So this is not just a dream about me. It's about an army or a group of people there with me. It's the Ecclesia, the body of Christ that understands that we're an Ecclesia and we're going to begin to make decrees. So even though I made them in the dream, it's not just me. So as the decrees would come out the end of the megaphone, eagles would fly in and pick them up. There was no randomness to their flight. They knew exactly where they were to go with them. They'd carry the decrees to the point of their assignment. There they would drop each decree. When they dropped the decree, it would become what looked like a white sheet. I believe the eagles are angels, that we're carrying these decrees throughout the nation, and they covered the nation like a sheet. Some were dropped on land, some on buildings, some on churches, some on churches with steeples. It wasn't just charismatics, it was pentecostals. It was all groups that were receiving these decrees. They were assigned to Washington, D. C, different parts of the entire nation, even though initially it was the northwest, a port Washington state, all the way down the West Coast to a southern part of California. Then they blanketed the nation, and she said, there was no delay. Decrees were instantly delivered to their assigned places. There were words written on the sheets that were carried, and obviously the words were the decrees. The only one that she could see what the word said, was the word "saved". I know that's the primary message the Lord wanted to bring. America will be saved. So I knew based on these dreams in October of last year that I would, at a certain time, late March or early April need to go to Washington, D. C. and Valley Forge, to make decrees over the nation and release angels. I always take a small group, when I do this for the agreement and to do it is a team. So early March, I began to plan this endeavor. Of course, then the virus was beginning to grow and the restrictions were beginning to be placed. It was apparent how big and how devastating this could be. So at first I thought, well, a small group can still do this. 15-20 people. Maybe we can still go do this thing, but the closer we got to the date, which was March 30th, it became obvious that because of what the president was asking and governors were asking, that we should not take a large group to do that. Even that size of 15-20 people, wasn't safe. Parts of Washington D. C. were closed down, especially to any group of people. The Valley Forge park was closed. Not to mention the fact that I just wanted to be supportive of what the president was asking us to do and not take a group to do this. So my first thought was that I would just postpone it and do it later. The more prayed into this more realize there's no reason for God to give the cherry blossoms in this dream other than the timing. If I waited until the end of April, they would be gone and I would not be doing it at the time that he said to do it. So I sought the Lord and said, Lord, how can I fulfill this? What he put in my heart was to go by myself. There is a couple that I had a part of this, John and Jolene Hamel,  and they live in Washington D.C. They could meet me there, and we could still do the social distancing. We could walk and pray and I could have the agreement. But we could also get the entire team that had been planning to go with me on the phones, our phones and do a conference prayer call. Then I realized why this unusual picture God gave us in the dream of using megaphones, and that's the way he uses dreams. He gives these pictures that can represent certain things. So, as strange as is it was to see the megaphones, we now realized that this is going to be done. We're going to cover the nation through this phone prayer time. So we put it together and planned to do that. I would go to Valley Forge first. I drove it in two days and then on Monday, the 30th I prayed there, drove to D. C. and we prayed there under the statue. A very specific place that the Lord had shown us to pray. Just before going on the trip, another dream was sent to me about Valley Forge from the same prophet that sent me the first dream. This was an incredible dream with some details that basically said "Dutch, I dreamed that while at Valley Forge, the angel who spoke mercy six times to you in front of the White House, appeared to you." Now, that was in 2016. I was there praying with a couple of other brothers, and we had been sent there on a very specific assignment to go and pray in front of White House in February. As we prayed there, we had separated ourselves quite a distance from  other people 50 yards or so, so that we could have privacy. We were very discreet. You would think we were just over there talking to each other, but we were really praying. We didn't lift our hands, we didn't get loud because we wanted privacy and we didn't want to make a scene. But as we were praying there about an hour and a half, at one point, an elderly man bent over, saw us and began to walk toward us. At first I was a little irritated because I wanted the privacy. Even though he was 50 yards away, it became clear that he was headed toward us. As he got close to us, I could tell he was going to pass us about three feet in front of us. We paused our praying to let him get past. When he got within a few feet of us, where we could hear him, without making eye contact or saying anything to us, he just with his head down, spoke six times the word mercy. Mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy. By then he was past us and kept going. We felt the presence of the Lord, it was a holy moment. One of the men said, "Who was that? Was that an angel?" We all nodded that we felt like it was. We said, "Who are you? Please come back here." He would not stop. He continued past us, walked into a crowd of people and vanished. He disappeared.We knew God had sent an angel to tell us that he was going to give mercy to this nation. So, that became my rallying cry and prayer during the 2016 year, especially leading up to the elections. Lord, give us mercy. A couple of months after that, another dream was conveyed to me another person had in which in the dream I kept saying, "I've tapped into a root of mercy. I've stepped into a root of mercy", over and over again. And then there was a third vision where, the sky was raining coins, U.S. coins with eagles, president's, etc. on the coins. Across the top of each coin, in all capital letters, it said "MERCY". In this vision that he had I picked up a handful of the coins and I said, "Mercy is our new currency", and so mercy was a huge word for me at that point in time in that Angel has appeared to others with messages for me since then, which I don't have time to go into right now. But this man said in the dream, the angel who spoke mercy six times to you appeared to you at Valley Forge while you were on a walking trail. He presented to you 12 stones, which he said had come from the Delaware River. He instructed you as you completed your walk and finished your assignment, to place the 12 stones under a bent over tree as a memorial that the angels are released and the war has turned. Angels that he said were on reserve at Valley Forge are released, and the war has turned. As I left that trail, another man appeared to me in his dream, dressed in the closing of the early era of our nation, and said he was William Penn and that he said, Because you're a man who kept your word even when it cost you, God is releasing to you the stewardship ability of Elijah, and I knew that that meant the ability to be a part of turning a nation. Now, William Penn is significant here, just bare with me for a minute. I know I'm giving a lot of details and facts, past revelation in this, but just bare with me and follow me. This is significant, the William Penn thing, because when the Angel of Mercy, I was told, in the dream gave me 12 stones from the Delaware River; 12 of course, being a number of of government and authority. I knew God was saying that we had authority to do this for him. When the 12 stones were given to me, the angel of mercy said these are from the Delaware River. So I contacted a friend and asked him, Could he go to the Delaware River and get us 12 stones, small stones that we could use for this? He said, "Yes, I will get them. The easiest place to get them here in Philadelphia is from Penn Treaty Park." Well, that was amazing to me because obviously William Penn was in the dream, but also in 2016 I was sent on a prayer journey, prophetically. Chuck Pierce Prophesied to me and said, go to various places in the nation that represented covenant with God and recovenant the nation to him there. One of those places was Philadelphia and while there, we went to Penn Treaty Park, where this man said he would get the rocks. Hey didn't know anything about this dream and he didn't know anything about what we had done in 2016, but when we were at Penn Treaty Park in 2016 praying, the spirit of God came in the place in a profound way. We knew the park was filled with angels and it was filled with the presence of God. The Lord spoke to several of us on this team there in that place that represented Penn's walk with God, his  covenant with God and his covenant with the first nations people that he kept. He didn't just take the land, he bought the land. It was a place that represented God's heart for this nation and what he wanted to do here. We heard the Lord say clearly to us there, that in that place we had tapped into the root of mercy over this nation. So in the place where that happened, where we tapped into the root of mercy (based on the dream that had been given earlier) without us asking him to, this young man took the stones from that place, gave them to us for this new journey. Then Penn came to me in the dream. Too much for it all to be coincidental. We knew God was saying, "This is another step in the journey of recovenanting this nation to me. It's another step in the journey of procuring mercy for this nation. This is an assignment that I have given to you to go to Valley Forge, to go to Washington D. C, and connect with the past and release the synergy of the ages and the angels." Just as Elijah's words didn't fall to the ground but were used by the Lord to turn a nation, he would use our decrees to do the same. So those are the incredible dreams and words God gave me before going on this on this journey, we went to Valley Forge and had a powerful prayer time. You weren't allowed to gather in the park. All the parking places were closed. They wouldn't let people park along the side of the road because they were trying to keep people out. They would not stop you from walking trails and if you were not in groups, you could walk through some of the grounds. There was no place to park which discouraged that, and yet we tried to pull off the road close to Washington's headquarters. The house is still there, where he headquartered at Valley Forge, because that's where we wanted to pray and take the appeal to heaven flag and the 12 stones. But as we park there, Rangers came by and told us very, very firmly, "This park is closed, you cannot park here and you need to leave", and we appeal to them. We told him what we wanted to do, and they basically said, "Hey, the park is closed. You cannot park here. If you walk around not being in a group, we're not going to stop you. But you need to move your car." Three of us were dropped off and the other person took the car elsewhere, and we walked down the stream in front of Washington's headquarters. The reason that's significant is because rather than forcing us to leave, we were able to go for an hour and pray without any question on the edge of this stream, where Washington had prayed many, many times at Valley Forge. I am confident that not only had he prayed there, the appeal to heaven flag had been there. It was there that God shaped the army and shaped this man and answered the prayers. We were able to go back to that very place and make our appeal. We did exactly as the dream said to. We took the appeal to heaven flag, we took the 12 stones. We got our phones out and through megaphones, we blanketed in the nation with decrees over America, that America will be saved and that the same thing (prayer and appeal to heaven), that birthed this nation, for the purposes of God, would rebirth this nation. Then we drove to Washington D. C. and did the same thing under the statue of George Washington, pointing in all directions of the nation in the dream, and we did the same. I can only say to you both of these hour prayer times were profoundly anointed and significant. We have no doubt that angels were helping us, that our decrees were blanketing the nation and God was doing what he said he would do. I'm obviously trying to move quickly through all of these dreams, but on my drive home from Washington D. C. the next day, after the prayers, the same gentleman had the Valley Forge dreams, called me and said I had another dream last night and this dream He said that you gathered leaders that are connected to you and you said to them, Call the blacksmith Well, that's significant because Valley Forge is named after a forge. It was there, and this It's symbolically. Our nation was forged. They're at Valley Forge, which is named after a blacksmith, a forge. And so I said in the dream, call the blacksmith and tell them to beat the pile shares back into swords. Amazing word, and it comes from Joel. Chapter three, Verse 10. Beat the Ploughshares back into sword diversity amplified, Bible says, Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. And then no here this phrase, let the week say I am strong dash a warrior Let the weak say I am strong, a warrior and he said, I said in the dream, Tell people to do this And then he said, the altars of America and the churches of America must now be cleansed. I I feel like what the Lord is saying through this dream is that we continue to fight. We make our decree. The sword represents the sword of the Lord, which is the word of God. We continue to decree over our nation that revival is coming. That got his cleansing, our nation, that there will be repentance. There will be a turning that he's not finished with America, that he's that he's not coming to destroy the thief, comes to steal, kill and destroy. And even though our sins and are turning from God, allow things like these plagues and other things to happen to us is not God sending death two elderly people and two innocent people across this nation. It is. It is the evil one, using what we have done, the open doors that we've created to do this. But God is merciful and in his mercy he is coming to save us and he's gonna use it to turn this nation back to him and Justus. He saved the nation at Valley Forge. He's going to save the nation at this Valley Forge. He's going to save the nation physically and economically and spiritually, and we're going to see it turning back to him and a full, complete fulfillment of what he set out to do in in the early days, when the birth, this nation, he will accomplish that. And so I knew that. That's what he's saying. So I'm saying to you, decree over your families, Release your sword over your family's Bind the enemy from sending the plague into your home. This is Passover season. Put the blood over your door post. You don't even have to do anything literally as a symbolic act. You can, but but go to your doors and windows and say the blood of Jesus is over This house. He covers our hearts. He covers our minds. He covers our bodies. The plague will not come near my dwelling, some 91 and pray it over. The nation cursed the plague and release the blessing and call forth revival to America. The day after I returned home, another dream was sent to me. This dream is so encouraging. I want to read it to you. On April 7th 2020 I dream President Trump was walking on bank of a small river. She says she believed this was the same river that we saw at Valley Forge, where President Washington prayed and where we prayed when we went to Valley Forge. At first it seemed he was pacing back and forth, but then I realized he was actually looking for something. He said, "I was told something had been left for me here and I came to find it. I thought I could find it here, but I'm not seeing it." He continued to search, but finding nothing, he turned to walk away. Just as he turned, there was a wooden box measuring about three feet wide, a foot in height, two feet from front to back, that came bobbing up in the water. I could see down in the water, and there were several people lying on the bottom of the river, and they had been holding the box, but they lost their grip on it, and it just rushed to the surface of the water. It made a splash and President Trump turned to see what it was. When he saw the wooden crate, he reached out, grabbed it and pulled it to the bank. He then took a knife from his pocket and used it to open the lid to the crate. We jump ahead and say that there are people trying to influence our present in a wrong way. There are spiritual forces trying to keep him from seeing what he needs to see, trying to keep our nation from seeing what it needs to see and do what we need to do. They're trying desperately to keep this nation from turning back to our purpose our destiny of being the trumpet of the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, being a beacon of freedom, liberty and being a nation under God himself. But God is using this president to turn the nation is going to use him even more. These people will not stop him. Inside the crate he found an old bible, an appeal to heaven flag, an old Bible and communion elements (cup of wine and bread). He immediately took the appeal to heaven flag draped it over his shoulders. (I will just add here much like I believe Washington probably did there at Valley Forge). He knelt down on one knee, on his right knee. He put the old Bible on his left forearm, held the cup of wine in his left hand, the bread in his right, and with tears flowing from his eyes, he began to pray with the appeal to heaven flag's still draped over his shoulders. He looked down at the Bible and the Communion elements with such admiration. He said, "This is it. This is what I came to find." I'm inserting now that he came to find Passover. He came to find the cross, he came to find through prayer. He came to find what Christ did. He came to find that connection with the Lord may be greater than he's ever had. I believe that will happen. He came to connect with our roots, and he found it. Then she said that all of a sudden there was a huge slingshot that appeared. President Trump's stood up and positioned himself inside it. A hand came, pulled him back in the sling shot and launched him from that place. All of the items he had found in the wooden crate, he had with him in the launch. Just as he was launched from from the slingshot, those people that had been in the river holding the wooden crate (I'm adding here, trying to stop him) came out of the river and tried to grab President Trump. But it was too late. He was already airborne and they could not touch him. I saw him land from the launch. The landing was like what you see when someone lands from a parachute jump. A perfect landing on his feet. The place he landed was on the stage on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington, D. C. It was inauguration day and he was giving an inaugural address. He will be re elected. They will not be able to stop him. And he will finish what God has sent him there to do. He has not done even remotely all of what God has sent him there to do. God's going to agree about this president. He's going to know the Lord well, and God's going to continue to use him. But she says in this address, it wasn't like a normal speech. He put the appeal to heaven flag around his shoulders there, on the steps of the Capitol, and he held the old Bible in his hands. I then realized this was the Bible that he had been sworn in with at his last inauguration ceremony. I believe it belonged to his mother, who had connections to the great Welsh Revival. He was still crying and he said, "God is taking us back and he's giving us a new start. Now, we are rightly focused. We're getting back on track." He then led the nation of prayer of sincere repentance. And then he took the communion elements he had found in the wooden crate and he led the nation in communion. What a profound dream. God is going to use this president to be a part of turning the nation back Him. He doesn't have to be perfect, he doesn't have to have had a perfect past. He just as the leader of our nation, has to humble himself before God and have encounters with the Lord, where the Lord can give him wisdom and a repentance. Prayer of repentance from this man would be earth shattering. I believe that he's coming into a walk and a relationship with the Lord that will be strong, very deep. And I believe what was said in this dream is true. God is taking us back. He's recovenanting this nation to him, and he's giving us a new start and those opposing him will not be able to stop him. He said in the dream now were rightly focused. We're going to focus on him. We're going to focus on true greatness, which is not wealth, but to be a voice of the gospel to the ends of the earth and a voice of freedom, a voice of morality and purity, and to show what a nation that honors God and is under God can, how they can be blessed in the earth and how we can bless others, We're getting back on track. I leave you with this. Nothing can stop this. We're going to keep praying. We're going to beat our ploughshares into swords and we're going to decree the word of the Lord over this nation. We're decreeing health, we're decreeing the breaking of this plague, we're decreeing that the quickest financial recovery the earth has ever seen is about to take place in America. God is going to give incredible strategy through the president and others. This nation will turn around, it will turn around with health. It will turn around spiritually. A third Great Awakening is coming, and we're going to get back on track. Everything God intended for this nation is going to take place. Keep making your appeals. It is working. I love you. I bless you. Spread the word about this podcast, please. And be encouraged.
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