Your Wild Soul Reflection

Moving Through The Grand Conjunction By Loving All Parts of Yourself

December 16, 2020 Monica Garcia Episode 27

So much going on in the cosmos to end 2020 with a bang!! In our last episode of 2020, we go into the energy of Sagittarius and Gemini - how the two eclipses will continue to help us integrate all parts of ourselves. We look at the Lovers as the perfect card to move us into 2021 to help us overcome our beliefs about separation - both within ourselves and with others.  And we connect in with the receptivity of the Divine Feminine with the Green Woman/Empress card. This is the energy that will help us make the most of the grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter around the solstice. It doesn't matter when you listen to this episode, these energies will be with us for a while. Join us in connecting with our own souls and finding ways to flow with the changes this time is bringing us!

Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.

I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach.
As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".

Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l

Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:

"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants