Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Triathlon as a sport has a unique part to it, where it allows everyday people to compete in a range of sports, Triathlon, swim bike and run, Duathlon, run, bike,run, Aquathlon, swim, run and Aquabike, swim and bike, for their country against others in their agegroup.
The Agegroup Multisport Podcast is a platform where Agegroup Multisport Athletes from around the world, share their Journey from Multisport beginner to Agegroup Athlete.
In telling their stories the athletes are providing valuable information and insights about their experiences, we can all learn from these, which will in turn help our own multisport adventure.
Listen to their training regimes, favourite kit, how they decide which races to aim for. Its free information from athletes who know, how to research, prepare, train, race and perform to reach their goals.
Ive learnt a lot from having these Agegroupers on the podcast, its helping me and it can help you too.
I don't do this for monetary gains, there are no commercial or financial sponsorships of any kind its just a way of giving back to my multisport community.
You can listen to us on all the major podcast platforms, and on our youtube channel and catch us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Agegroup Triathlete Mal Smith - Raising the profile of Paratriathlon
Another great story shared by an inspiring everyday athlete.
Mal Smith got in touch after speaking to a former guest, John Armstrong, recommended he got in touch to share his story.
Mal states"Im a triathlete at Cleethorpes Tri Club and along with my 18 year old son Callum, we’ve qualified this year to race the standard distance in Torremolinos.
I’m also a PTS5 ParaTriathlete and it was the knock on effect of training for the British Super Series (finishing second at the British ParaTri champs) that brought my times down last year to qualify at Sunderland.
I got into triathlon after a lifetime of proving to myself that I could do whatever I set my mind too…and so after a number of years obstacle course racing and running multiple marathons, Ironman became the next target! Triathlon then changed my life and continues to do so, as I realised just what is possible!
I’d love to raise the profile of Para Triathlon but also highlight that just because you may have a physical impairment it doesn’t stop you from taking part in our fantastic sport!
I can’t wait to represent GB in October as part of the age group team!
You can follow Mal on Instagram @malsmithtriathlete
hope you enjoy.
Hope you find the value in this.
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X : agegroupmultisportpodcast
Facebook : AMPGB
find all our episodes on our website
or our YouTube Channel AMP GB
Website is : https://agegroupmultisportpodcast.buzzsprout.com/
email: agegroupmultisportpodcast@gmail.com
If you are an agegroup athlete and would like to come on the pod, get in touch.