Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Triathlon as a sport has a unique part to it, where it allows everyday people to compete in a range of sports, Triathlon, swim bike and run, Duathlon, run, bike,run, Aquathlon, swim, run and Aquabike, swim and bike, for their country against others in their agegroup.
The Agegroup Multisport Podcast is a platform where Agegroup Multisport Athletes from around the world, share their Journey from Multisport beginner to Agegroup Athlete.
In telling their stories the athletes are providing valuable information and insights about their experiences, we can all learn from these, which will in turn help our own multisport adventure.
Listen to their training regimes, favourite kit, how they decide which races to aim for. Its free information from athletes who know, how to research, prepare, train, race and perform to reach their goals.
Ive learnt a lot from having these Agegroupers on the podcast, its helping me and it can help you too.
I don't do this for monetary gains, there are no commercial or financial sponsorships of any kind its just a way of giving back to my multisport community.
You can listen to us on all the major podcast platforms, and on our youtube channel and catch us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Agegroup Multisport Podcast (Triathlon,Duathlon,Aquabike,Aquathlon)
Jo Lewis Agegrouper & Founder of Tri50.co.uk
It was great to hear Jo Lewis share her story into multisport.
She says " I am fast approaching my Seventies decade and loving the continuing challenge of staying Fit and on top of my sporting game, as well as travelling to many International events to support my athletes and meet up with my friends of many years to compete with a Smile and humour!
My sporting background goes back many, many years - I loved all the team games at school - swimming, tennis, netball, hockey, cross country running, and athletics (hurdles!)……….. This passion has continued down the decades with swimming and running becoming my Favourites for many years, enabling me to qualify for the GB Age Group Teams in 2004 in both Aquathlon and Sprint/Standard Triathlons.
Here I am 20 years on still competing for GB at Aqua Bike (Middle Distance) and with a strong desire to requalify for GB Aquathlon as my “grumbling” knee has been behaving itself recently, thanks to consistent Strength and SMART training. My events this year will be Qualifiers for the 70-74 Age Group - I can’t wait!
My sport has enabled and encouraged me to work my way up the coaching ladder, from swim coaching in the 1980’s to BTF Level 3, which prompted me to set up a few businesses over the years - Ducklings to Dolphins Swim School in Reading, which is still running 35 years on, and Tri50, a Triathlon coaching business for the over 50’s!!
My Triathlon coaching has inspired me to maintain my fitness levels, as I fully appreciate competing at my age is more about maintaining a healthy outlook on Life, and staying injury free.
I have been very fortunate in winning many International and European medals along the way, I think my tally is 12!! A few more would be welcome, I will apply my coaching knowledge and experience to help this happen!! Am keen to continue competing well into my my 70’s as a Fit Old Bird ………… "
Thanks for sharing Jo
If you are interested in getting coached by Jo her website is www.Tri50.co.uk
she is also on instagram and Facebook at the same name.
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X : agegroupmultisportpodcast
Facebook : AMPGB
find all our episodes on our website
or our YouTube Channel AMP GB
Website is : https://agegroupmultisportpodcast.buzzsprout.com/
email: agegroupmultisportpodcast@gmail.com
If you are an agegroup athlete and would like to come on the pod, get in touch.