The Farmers Weekly Podcast

Special Episode: Oilseed rape – a break crop at turning point?

Farmers Weekly Season 1

Oilseed rape has had more than its fair share of problems over recent years  - with many growers abandoning the crop  due to cabbage stem flea beetle.

But some farmers believe it is worth sticking with rape – and record-breaking prices mean it could make a wider return to  arable rotations.

In this special episode of the Farmers Weekly Podcast, we visit north-east Norfolk grower Kit Papworth who talks about his strategy for the crop.

We also talk to NIAB specialist Colin Peters, who explains a cross-industry partnership working with growers to combat cabbage stem flea beetle.

And we speak to James Hood, of United Oilseeds, who looks at the market prospects for the crop which has risen in value to record levels this spring.

This special episode of the Farmers Weekly Podcast is presented by Farmers Weekly arable writer Louise Impey and sponsored by Corteva.