Nina Dar. The Change Troubleshooter

Changing Mindsets on Being Data Driven

Nina Dar Season 4 Episode 3

Welcome to Season 4 of The Change Troubleshooter.
This is episode 3, Changing Mindets on Being Data Driven. 

Today Nina is joined by Jos Voskuil, a PLM coach, blogger, lecturer and a passionate advocate for a digital and sustainable future. His blog is called The Virtual Dutchman

 After hearing episode one in this season, Changing Mindsets on Data, Jos was moved enough to contact Nina to have his say on the issue of data, so this is really a response to Oleg Shilovitsky who featured in episode one. Nina loves having this type of engagement with her guests so if you have more to add to this conversation, get in touch - you may even be asked to feature in our next episode!