Nina Dar. The Change Troubleshooter

Trailer for Episode 2: Made of What Matters

June 10, 2020 Nina Dar Season 1 Episode 2

One of the biggest change challenges is still not resolved.  
Racism.  Is it even evolving - has the colour-climate changed at all since the 60s?  

The Change Trouble-shooter Nina Dar, daughter of a mixed-race marriage, interviews her number one role models – her mum and dad – who married in secret 50 years ago.  They share thoughts about how they overcame opposition and disapproval, made a successful marriage and created a happy and secure environment for three daughters who grew up unaware that their family was in any way unusual. 
Nina’s expertise is a human approach to innovation and change.  Change won’t happen if people don’t buy in, believe and make the journey.  
This podcast explores where her lifelong curiosity and dedication to change started for Nina; with her role models.