Nina Dar. The Change Troubleshooter

Trailer for Episode 1: Entrepreneurship

June 11, 2020 Nina Dar Season 1 Episode 1

Hello, I’m Nina Dar, The Change Troubleshooter.

Sometimes when you think you’re scared, really, what you’re feeling is excited.  We all need to remember that.

When scared is flipped to excited – everything changes.

Channelled the right way, change for good is a positive, inclusive and enriching experience.  But for that to happen, your people have to buy in, believe in and be on the journey with you.

Join me for a change safari as we learn how to track down the route to better business outcomes and healthier, change-positive, workplace cultures.

This is the prequel to The Change Troubleshooter suite of 6 Podcasts.  Just so you know who I am, what I do, what it achieves and why I do it.


The Change Troubleshooter is:


Founder of Cheeky Monkey Business Solutions, the management consultancy behind “A Human Approach to Innovation and Change” and author of Transform Your Business. 

A change-bringer and travel addict helping companies achieve their goals in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Brazil and the USA as well as in the UK.

A fully qualified Executive Business Coach.

Lead for projects moving people, product and technology.

A straight shooter too.  An unashamed and disarmingly honest disrupter. ‘Without being truly honest about where we are today, we can’t get to where we want to be tomorrow.’

A champion of people as the most important part of any change, yes, even technology changes.

Owner of a fully-loaded entrepreneurial spirit with an emergency back-up holster full of human-centric engagement techniques.  ‘Entrepreneurship – it’s a state of mind.’