Nina Dar. The Change Troubleshooter

Lockdown Heroes Forgotten Already

Nina Dar Season 3 Episode 2

Welcome to The Change Troubleshooter, Season 3, If Not You, Who?

Lockdown heroes forgotten already

It’s lockdown one, spring 2020, supermarkets are running out of stuff, the queues at them are incredible and when you get in there is no pasta, no toilet paper, no flour… what are you going to do to survive?

Luckily we have around 4000 farm shops in the UK who stepped up to the plate and provided the best basics money can buy, eggs, potatoes, the very freshest of fruit and veg. 

We flocked to them – it was a revelation, they saved our skins and we promised we’d use them forever more, but did we? 

The truth is, once things calmed down, people reverted back to their old ways. This is the story of one such shop…