Nina Dar. The Change Troubleshooter

A New Green Opportunity

Nina Dar Season 3 Episode 3

Paul Kenyon had spent almost 20 years in the print industry, an industry, frankly, in decline. Having been recently made redundant from his job, he was looking for a new challenge, in a new field, in his own words, in anything but print.

In a chance meeting over a pint with an electrical engineer friend, they hit on an idea that has changed their lives – the sale and installation of domestic and workplace electric vehicle charging points. Two years on, and busier than he’s ever been, Paul tells Nina about his journey in a compelling conversation that teaches us lots of things we probably didn’t know about the brave new world of EVs, as well as dispelling some of the myths that seem to be making many people hesitant about making the leap from fossil fuelled to electric vehicles.