Worship Facility Podcast

Display Screen Options: LED, Multi-screen, and Environmental Projection

September 20, 2023 Season 4 Episode 16
Worship Facility Podcast
Display Screen Options: LED, Multi-screen, and Environmental Projection
Show Notes

LED Video walls are becoming the new standard for displaying video, but are they best option for you? Choosing the right display option for your church is a huge decision that can “wow” your audience and build a connection. With endless options available to all types of environments and budgets, it can get overwhelming. AE Global Media CEO and President Donnie Haulk breaks down the mystery behind the different options on the market today, and how to make them work with your existing or new stage designs. 

Takeaways include:

– LED Walls, Multi-Screen and Environmental Projection — Compare and Contrast

– Projection Mapping

– Creative functionality and making the most of your video wall

– Designing for your target audience
