Hanging with History

5. Thor's Hammer and Fork; Vikings Part 2

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 5

2nd of 6 episode Viking story arc.  These have been very popular.  We take a very historical, but unconventionally pro-Viking view.    About this episode we introduce the idea that the Vikings were just more effective man-for-man than the Anglo-Saxons of the time, with a few exceptions.   There is a little pointless grumpiness, but hey we are human over here.

Discussion of the Viking Raids in England, France and Frisia before the Great Heathen Army period.  Charlemagne, Alcuin and and other European reactions, the founding of Normandy.  With digressions on the St. Brice's Day massacre and the great Forkbeard.
The Vikings conquered England?

A Dragonslayer episode