Hanging with History

20. Demeter's revenge. Agricultural Revolution Concluded: Crop Rotation

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 20

The Agricultural Revolution arc concludes with a discussion of crop rotation, but first a good long look at the tragic element of economic and social upheavals.  We take some time to credit the Catholic kingdoms for their contribution to the miracle.  The role of rivalry in driving forward the industrial revolution cannot be ignored, was the rivalry between England and France essential to progress?  The history of crop rotation, the Norfolk four course system (wheat, turnips, barley, clover), Charles Townsend’s role in popularizing.  The dominance of grass based grains on earth might mislead aliens trying to make sense of the earth, or is it we, the domesticated semi-intelligent apes who tend the grasses who are misled?  Conversation with Camie goes a little behind the scenes.