Hanging with History

24. Henry VIII The Reformation in England: Part 1

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 24

This is a really good episode.
The Reformation in England; Henry VIII Part 1.  The first of a 5 episode arc.  The Reformation is dominated by Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell.  The stakes are high, the relationship between the living and the dead are at the heart of it.  This episode has a lot of narrative on Henry’s first marriage, the arguments made to the Pope in his quest for an annulment.  The argument here is that the entire approach was hopeless because the person who decided was really Charles V.  Henry’s minister  Wolsey must have known this and his failure lead to his downfall.   Enter Thomas Cromwell, we hear his fascinating background, his capacities, and the first hint of his plan to solve Henry’s 4 problems.  Power.  Money.  Royal Succession.  His Love for Anne.
Mentions: Peter Hamilton, zombies, the Ring of Power, Game of Thrones
No guest