Hanging with History

25. Henry VIII The Reformation in England: Part 2; Minimally Murdery

September 11, 2020 Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 25

This episode is potentially one of the most valuable in understanding England.

The Reformation in England continues with Cromwell’s Act of Supremacy.  A minimally murdery Reformation.  This is an under appreciated fact of the English Reformation.  

Parliament makes Henry head of the Church of England and the clergy goes along with it.  Cromwell begins dissolving the monasteries through a thorough legal process with pensions for the ex-monks.  Along the way the crown is enriched.  Seemingly all Henry’s problems (developed and enumerated in episode 24) are solved in one fell swoop.  But it is complex, nine threads and they all had to work.  Could this have been Cromwell’s master plan all along?  And did he make it permanent by making sure all the major families got some of the confiscated land?  That was the effect.  With Camie we look at the 3 main phases of monastery dissolution and emphasize how different Britain was as their Reformation was minimally murdery.

Raoul Sunset is the guest.  He makes an important point about the necessity to keep the traditional military power onside during a time of unrest.  An issue that will come up again in the Civil War episodes.