Hanging with History

31. Francis Drake is Aragorn; Elizabethan Age Part 3

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 31

The 2nd of the 3 episode Pirate arc.  The Bygdøy episode.  Revised for sound.  We cover 3 pirate voyages.  Drakes 1585 expedition to the New World, Drakes 1587 raid on Cadiz and its effects on the Armada and George Clifford’s raid on the Azores in 1589.   Clifford's Vikings had every experience, capturing a port by flying a false flag, being welcomed by groovy, love-is-the-answer hippies,  fighting demons who beat them with their fingernails.  Pirates are inherently interesting, but the point of this arc along with Episode 15 is to explain the English self conception, how it was reinforced and how it will help Elizabeth in her struggles with the Puritans in Episode 34.

We take controversial stands like History podcasts are more socially valuable than the Kardashians.  Though I can hear Ayn Rand’s voice saying that value judgements can never be divorced from context and are only valid in the philosophical sense of man at his best.