Hanging with History

35 A Society that Can Pass the Marshmallow Test. Elizabeth Part VII

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 35

How did new Industries develop to allow Tudor England to catch up to the continent and later surpass it?  The Leisure Larry episode.  The Marshmallow Test provides framing for a discussion of cultural evolution in England.  England becomes a society able to pass the Marshmallow Test as sexual selection operates differently at this time.  Geographic mobility, local levels of high trust that allow for credit transactions allow for Prosperity.  How stocking knitting and blue dye supported growth on both sides of the MV=PY equation.  Relative prosperity increases and a small scale consumer economy begins and everyone has warm feet. 
 Charlie’s Angel substitutes for Camie in the conversation section, where we learn more about the Marshmallow Test and possibly there is a suggestion that it is a reasonable frame for a society.