Hanging with History

52. 1649, the Decisive Year

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 52

This is the long promised Jonathon Scott episode.  Featuring some real curve balls thrown at me by Joltin’ Joe.

This is a deep dive into social and political history with exploration of the strong Anglo-Dutch connection.

And Dutch jokes, who knew there were so many?

The conceptual revolution of the 1649-1702 period see the beginnings of sound public credit.  Personal emphasis on frugality.  Comparisons made among countries and social foundations.  Cromwell’s far-sighted approach, probably the only area where I disagree with Scott.  The Hartlib Circle, the new foundations of programs for the poor.  An increasing middle class dignity and liberty which gives rise to hope and confidence in the future.  We see the beginning and consolidation of the fical-military state and the complex effects of English commercial aggression.   The English context is not the Dutch context so there are important differences.