Hanging with History

57. Charles II, Stuart Restoration; They're B-A-A-A-A-CK

Harald Hansen Season 1 Episode 57

The Stuart Restoration.  The landed classes displace the middling sorts of the Cromwellian power structure.  This is the first of three episodes looking at mainly social history of the Stuart Restoration leading to the Glorious Revolution.  The repression of Dissenters with the Clarendon Code, John Bunyan's eleven years in prison, he wrote Pilgrim's Progress there, are reviewed.  Some pretty big and complicated ideas will appear.  The importance of the Royal Society, the situation of the poor in a society that regards them as morally deficient.

There is a digression on the 7 ill years in Scotland during the horrible climate event of the 1690’s.

We have an experimental format with two guests this episode, Dragonslayer and Budgieslayer.

Trigger warning: One terrible Scottish joke , Haggis and deep-fried Mars bars.

With Camie we examine the weakening power of guilds.