Keeping It Israel

Miraculous Victories of Israel - Behind the Scenes

Jeff Futers Season 1 Episode 14

Join with Writer/Producer Laura Delegarde, Director and Videographer Chris Atkins of One Media and Executive Producer Jeff Futers as they talk about the soon to be released documentary series "Miraculous Victories of Israel." Hear about the vision for the project and the many steps its taken to get it this far, including a look 'behind the scenes' of the filming trip in Israel!

View "Miraculous Victories of Israel" Trailer.

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Chris Atkins, One Media :

Welcome to the Keeping it Israel podcast with Jeff Futers, where Jeff and his guests talk, everything Israel as it relates to Christian faith and the church. If you are a Christian and you stand with Israel, you will be encouraged and challenged by this podcast. And if you're not so sure about the whole Israel thing, you need to learn how your faith connects with Israel, and why standing with Israel matters. Now, here's Jeff with today's guest.

Jeff Futers :

Welcome to the podcast, my name is Jeff I'll be your host today. I'm the Executive Director of First Century Foundations and we're doing something fun today. I'll be interviewing some good friends of mine, Chris Atkins from One Media and Laura Delegarde who is the the producer of our upcoming 'Miraculous Victories of Israel' documentary series, we're gonna be talking about the series talking about some of the making of and the travel that we did together. I know you're going to want to listen to this. So I don't want to waste any time. Let's get right to that interview today. We're now streaming on Facebook. So we want to welcome everybody who's joining us live. My name is Jeff. I'm from First Century Foundations. And with me today are Chris Atkins, from One Media productions. Yeah, Chris, you should wave because they wouldn't know that that was you. And, and then Laura Delegarde. And Laura is the writer, producer of 'Miraculous Victories of Israel' that we have been working on and getting ready to release to the public. Chris, of course, is our director and prolific videographer/editor, and many, many other things. So Hey, welcome, guys. Good to have you here.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Thanks. Thanks for having us.

Laura Delegarde :

Good to be here.

Jeff Futers :

Yeah, yeah. So we're going to talk a little bit today and this this will be not just the Facebook Live event, but it'll be also a podcast that we're going to put up on the Keeping it Israel podcast. And so just want to make sure that everybody knows that they'll be able to find it on those, those mediums. But we're going to talk about this process. And I guess first of all, let's talk about how you guys know each other because, you know, in a very interesting series of events, you kind of came to me with this idea. But Chris, you and I were already working together, but you've known Laura for many, many years. As a matter of fact, more than known your your related, kind of,

Chris Atkins, One Media :

kind of almost sort of related. Yeah, so my brother is married to Laura's sister and Laura and my wife Danielle, we're best friends through school. And so we went to church together and I've known her whole family for a very long time, very long time. And so yeah, it's, it's, it's, you know, through high school and through our youth group days kind of stuff. We knew each other and then I kind of lost track...Laura just kind of disappeared. And then in 2006 my wife Danielle and I were were in Jerusalem, and we heard somebody screaming our names.

Laura Delegarde :

I couldn't believe it. I hadn't seen Chris since. It had been a long time. Yeah. He used to be in my band, actually.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yes, I used to borrow..

Jeff Futers :

So in a very in a very real sense the band is back together.

Laura Delegarde :

Yeah, yeah.

Jeff Futers :


Laura Delegarde :

Well, do you enjoy I ran into you. I just I could not believe it. I just thought I haven't seen them in so long and of all the places to happen and we thought it was really ah, divine actually, yeah, a kind of meant to be connection. Yeah,

Chris Atkins, One Media :

that's very cool. And then after that, it just seemed like we kept running into each other more and more. And then work opportunities opened up. Laura was studying at Hebrew University when I went over there to do another project. And we were very, very overwhelmed with that project. And we so I reached out and I said, Hey, I know you're I know you're in school right now. Would you? Would you have some time to kind of help us out with this? And it worked out quite well. And so we've been working together on pretty much all all things Israel for a long time now.

Laura Delegarde :

Yeah, it seems like every talk that we've had together has taken us to Israel or focused on Israel and materials. So it's interesting.

Jeff Futers :

Well, as you know, Israel is something that's close to my heart. And that's kind of how we all got connected. I mean, when I came to First Century Foundations four years ago, I can hardly believe that it's been four years already, it'll be four years in September, I think. And, you know, when I first came, there was a TV show that was in place First Century Foundations. And by the way, if you're listening watching, check out First Century Foundations, the television show we're on Vision TV, and Daystar. Canada, I think we're on Vision on Tuesdays and Daystar on Thursdays, Tuesdays at 1pm. Thursdays at 1:30. For now, I think that's going to change in the not too distant future. But yeah, check it out, or go to our YouTube channel. You can just search First Century Foundations on YouTube and see the show there. But, you know, the show has had been in place for a number of years you had worked with my predecessor, Chris. And so when I contacted you to say, hey, what should we do with this TV show thing? You know, you you told me we're going to make me a star and I want to say I'm a little disappointed still. I don't really know.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Hey, I didn't say how long it would take.

Jeff Futers :

That's true. That is true. So, so Well, we're still waiting. But But anyway, it's been fun. It's been fun working together. At least I think it's been fun. I shouldn't speak for you. But we have spent a fair bit of time together in Israel. And if you're like me, you're missing Israel right now. This has been a bad year.

Laura Delegarde :

Oh, my goodness, I am missing Israel so much. I mean, having studied there for seven months, and then been there, back and forth with Chris so often and then with you? Um, yeah, it's really, it's really sad to think that we may not be there for a little while.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, actually, I'm quite angry at the two of you. Because while I'm working on editing this project, I'm having to look at all these amazing shots and remembering all of our times. And all the restaurants that we ate at and it's like, ah, not only can I not get there, but I have to look at these images and feel homesick for Israel every day and

Jeff Futers :

Yes. Well, I would apologize. Except that, you know, we're paying you... So yeah, you just suck it up, you'll be you'll be fine. We're missing Israel, too. I, I agree with both of you. This has been just a very strange year. And I don't know when we might get back there again. But anyhow, let's not get too far off into COVID territory. Everybody knows this is happening. It's a global pandemic. We don't have to tell people anymore. But we want to talk about this project, Miraculous Victories of Israel. And Chris, you and I traveled, I think, back in March, last year, February, March, we went to film for the TV show, and while we were there, you sort of casually mentioned and you'd maybe mentioned it once before this idea that you know, your friend Laura had I had never met Laura didn't know anything about her. You know, I thought it was kind of sketchy that you were pushing her. But at the same time this idea intrigued me. So, Laura, you had come up with a concept. You've done some of this kind of thing before but talk about the vision for this series and sort of how we got here.

Laura Delegarde :

Um, well, it's been a long journey getting here from for me my side of the story, um, I first kind of got a revelation. I don't know if you want to say or just my was quite a heart change for me in about 1999 when I first got it, I'm hearing a sermon about Ruth in the Bible clinging to Naomi, rather than leaving her...long story short, it just talked about how as people who are not Jewish, but are Gentiles who believe in the God of Israel, that we have a role to play in, you know, holding on to to Israel and to that important heritage that were crafted into. And after that I actually went to Israel on for my first trip of like, months after... my aunt had gone and said, Go, Go Go. And it was just a tour. And I was just struck, I just knew I was going to be back and, and the Bible just started to come to life and actually make a lot more sense to me. And eventually I ended up in university studying religious studies as my major in McMaster and just loved learning Hebrew and just, yeah, the passion for Israel grew inside of me. So really this documentary series just comes out of that, that passion.

Jeff Futers :

That's fantastic. And so the idea about, you know, miraculous victories I mean, I've read the Old Testament for many, many years now gone through those stories, and we heard them in Sunday school as kids. What, What brought you to this sense of sort of pulling some of these together and really chronicling and documenting is what we're know, the fact that that these happened and we can, we can know that these happened with a certain amount of a certain amount of certainty what what got you there?

Laura Delegarde :

Um, I actually learned about the modern wars of Israel. So 1967 I learned about how and even the war of 1948, Israel's Independence War... just reading about how the Jewish people having just survived a Holocaust barely, being attacked all around just for it just managed to survive and in my mind reading about some of the battles and just stepping back and looking at the picture. It just reminded me of a biblical battle and it just made me wonder, you know, I had heard in Sunday school about Jericho and the walls coming down and David and Goliath and all these miraculous stories and I just thought, I wonder if you know, God still does those things for Israel today because it seems as though they survived against all odds. And it just, yeah, it just got my my wheels turning and I started diving into the Bible diving into history and I thought it was worthy of a series you know, just to take people from the some of them through the Bible through some most amazing victories, right to the modern times and just to see God's hand of faithfulness on the nation of Israel.

Jeff Futers :

Fantastic. Well, we, Chris and I talked back in in March 2019. Yeah, that was a year ago. And he said, What do you think? Do you wanna you want to sort of investigate this and he introduced you and I by email. And then we started to sort of chat a little bit back and forth, you sent me a kind of a rough draft of what these episodes would look like. And this has sort of morphed over time. But I'm so excited that we are getting so close to being able to get this product out to people, I think that people are going to be interested in in having this for their collection. I think it's going to be it's going to be educational for them is going to be informational for them, but also it's going to transport them to, you know, a place that maybe a lot of people will never be able to go and that's what we try and do with the television show but also the this.. this series, it really speaks to, to the heart of God's faithfulness to Israel, but in turn his faithfulness to all of us, right? I mean, that's kind of what we saw and discussed over and over again, even as we were filming and talking to some of the experts. So, we're gonna, we're gonna just get into talking about what it's all about for now. So So, Laura, or Chris, either one, you know, tell us a little bit about some of the victories that we're going to cover and how, how all of that has been coming together. Let's just let's just talk about that a little bit.

Laura Delegarde :

You want to start with maybe the first episode?

Jeff Futers :

Absolutely. We're gonna show the trailer here in a minute as well, but I want to kind of whet people's appetite before we get there.

Laura Delegarde :

Okay, okay, well, when first. The first episode is focused on the miraculous victory over the promised land itself. So of course, everyone familiar with Jericho and the walls of Jericho come tumbling down. So that's a part of the first one. And what makes it so exciting is that we actually went there and got some adventures in Jericho filming, and were able to get some drone shots we didn't even think we could get

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah. Yeah, and some good falafel too. But what I think is so cool about all of this is, you know, as a kid going to Sunday school, you know, you see the felt board, Jericho and the felt board, Joshua going in, and you've heard these stories since you were a little kid and and when you're actually there, and you can see the ruins of Jericho and you start to research and you find out what some archaeologists I mean, there's still some debate over some things. But the fact that Jericho did exist, it existed at that time, there is a destruction layer. That seems certainly appears to fall in line with the biblical account all of these things and you're standing on that spot. I mean, you know, and we're very fortunate. Not everyone can stand on that spot.

Jeff Futers :

Yeah, we are.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

And especially, you know, with with the situation with the COVID thing now people not being able to travel and some of these people, some of some of our viewers that are watching today, you know, hopefully you'll get a chance to go to Israel see this stuff for yourself. But if you can't, then this documentary series is a great way for you to explore. You get to meet the archaeologists that are doing these these digs. You get to hear from both Jewish and Christian scholars that can talk not only about the historical layer of what's happening, but also the spiritual implications as yes, these miraculous victories they weren't just for that moment in time to allow one people to defeat another people. God builds everything. You know, with multi layers with multiple purposes, and those those battles, those victories. Of course, they helped. They helped his people at that time, but they still speak to us today. And so, you know, what, what, what is this saying, how does this how does this how does this work and so that's why I'm am just blown away when I see what Laura has come up with what she's writing and the research that she put into this series and then you presenting and what you bring to the table to present this series. I'm very excited to hear what people think of it once once we release these.

Laura Delegarde :

Yeah, and the beautiful thing about each of the Bible stories is that we are focused on Israel, we are focused on what God did in the past for that nation that he chose. But what we constantly do each episode is we step back and say, Okay, this is the God of Israel, that is that is our God as Christians and he can do this for them, you know, he can do this. He can win victories in our lives too. So we always come full circle, every single episode and and there's just such a profound personal application as well.

Jeff Futers :

Absolutely. Yeah. You know, as we were going back and forth on some of the writing even even before we went to film last November, you know, I remember how many conversations we had about this that, really the the takeaway from what what it is that we were talking about is, I mean, there's two, there's one that says, You know what, the Bible is true. You know, we can we can know that, that what the Bible talks about happened to a certain degree because of archaeology because of, you know, what the experts are interpreting the archaeology to mean. But also the second thing is that is that if God is, you know, as God if God is faithful to Israel, and if these stories are true the way that we believe they are, then that means something for us, as people who believe in God who believe in Yeshua, believe in Jesus as the Messiah. And you know, Chris, you talked about the layers of the message and really, what all of this is leading to every story. You know, we talk about the conquest. Jericho, we talk about Hazor, and then you know, we move to David and Goliath, what an amazing story and we'll chat a bit more about that. And then Hezekiah and, and Sennacherib and the siege on Jerusalem. All of these stories are leading us to a place because God had a plan not just to deliver Israel in these moments, but also to establish the house of David. That would be the line of the Messiah, that Jesus would come that he would die for the sins of the people, that we would be able to be a part of the family as Gentiles we'd be we'd be grafted in all of this leads us to that eventuality and helps us to understand that God is faithful not just to Israel, but that He's faithful to us personally as well. Right. That's, That, to me has been sort of the the exciting thing about this is that we're not just going to be educating people we're going to be helping people to make that that jump in their faith journey to trust God, because of what it is they're learning in these in these videos. Is that fair?

Laura Delegarde :


Jeff Futers :

Yeah, I think that's that's what's been really exciting about some of that. So [Miraculous Victories of Israel trailer]

Danny "The Digger" Herman :

[dramatic music] The Book of Joshua in chapter six gives us such a detailed account of how this city was mighty and fortified and yet demolished by Joshua and his people.

AnaRina Heymann :

He addresses Goliath as an uncircumcised Philistine. Why is this so important? Because he brings up the covenant.

Rabbi Ken Spiro :

The Philistines are totally shocked. David takes Goliath sword decapitates the guy that holds up his head, the Philistines freak out, they run, and the Jews win an incredible victory.

Amnon Ben Tor :

We know that archaeologists love destructions because you know the misfortune of the ancients is our fortune.

Aren Maeir :

We even found an inscription, which mentions two names that are very similar to the name Goliath.

Rabbi Ken Spiro :

The first real miracle was the fact that Israel took out the Air Force of all of its enemies.

Itamar Marcus :

1% of the population is killed in the war. That's an enormous number of people.

Jeff Futers :

Why would a loving and just God favor one nation over another, ensure their continued survival and promise them and only them this land? These are the questions I hope to answer as we explore some of Israel's most astounding, miraculous victories. [end] Hey, listen, we will definitely as a matter of fact, right now I'll go and put I'm going to put the link in the live presentation if people want to watch it on their own and we can accomplish something that way

Chris Atkins, One Media :

yeah and if they if they like it they like what they see they can share that link with with their friends maybe they I would wonder about about Israel

Jeff Futers :

Yeah no I think that would be a great idea, great idea. All right so let's talk while I'm while I'm doing this while I'm looking at my other monitor you guys can chat a little bit so so first episode you know, we we went with Danny the Digger to Jericho. There was there was a little bit of a little bit of excitement because you know, we we couldn't go on our own. We had to book a, you know, a driver, an Arab driver to take us into that area. Laura, you had some some hesitations about all of that. So talk a little bit through your anxiety there and we'll go from there.

Laura Delegarde :

I always feel safe in Israel, but when you're leaving, what do the signs say as you're heading toward Jericho?

Chris Atkins, One Media :

There's a big so whenever you go in the West Bank into places like that there's a big red sign a huge red sign that warns Israeli citizens do not go in here at your own risk of kidnapping and death. Because they've had they've had issues. I mean, Jericho used to be a city that Jews and Arabs both inhabited and lived side by side and, and people from Jerusalem would go to Jericho for the day to visit. In fact, Danny the Digger was telling us how when he was a boy, when he would go I think he lived in the Galilee and when they would go to visit their family in Jerusalem, they would, there was no outside roads, you'd have to drive through the downtown streets of Jericho to get there. But I mean, with the the Intifadas and tensions rising, which become more hostile for or Israelis to enter those places, and there's been kidnappings and killings of Israelis that entered, so... You don't necessarily see Welcome to Jericho as you're driving in. And I started to get a little more nervous as we were driving. That was the most nervous. I was on the trip. I think just having kids now I don't know, I feel a little bit more nervous when we're outside. But the tour guide seemed... Danny was very relaxed. Yeah. And we had an Arab driver that he said he trusted with his life, you know, and that made us all very comfortable. And yeah, we had no issues at all. Yeah, it was great. It is a beautiful city.

Laura Delegarde :

And the food, all the hospitality? Oh, my goodness, it was amazing.

Jeff Futers :

It was amazing. You know what, I was amazed that is, you know, trying to find a place to film. It's very interesting. You know, here's some behind the scenes, right? I mean, when when you see it on video, it's gonna look fantastic. But, but where we stood and where we filmed was a very unique location was it not Chris?

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yes, someone's backyard at the back end of a big date palm orchard, there's like a park there. But there's one thing that you don't get from the video is the smells, and some of the places when we're filming at the edge of fields that you think about, see, we want to go to Jericho to film. Well, for us to get that, you know, the archaeologists or you speaking at those locations, that means we have to be outside of the location, often a field or someplace so that we can show it behind you. Right? Otherwise, you're just, you know, you just have a pile of dirt behind you. It doesn't doesn't give you any context. So anyhow, these places put us in some, you know, especially the fields where you didn't always get the best smells, but you as the viewer, so that's a benefit. We do that for you so you don't have to smell that.

Jeff Futers :

Yes. And I and I will say too, that it was great that we had our Arab driver with us because he was able to negotiate for us at the gate to the the actual dig, so that we could go in and get some filming there. That was that was quite a blessing.

Laura Delegarde :

Yeah. He could speak Arabic a while and just connect with them and then they warm to us. So yeah, it's such a great experience. But initially, I had my hesitations.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, yeah, I do find that for the for the most part. You know, when you're in the Middle East, whether it's in Israel or other places, you know, the average person are usually very, very friendly and very welcoming and very excited to share their culture and their history with with visitors. You know, we get this impression from from the news and all the bad stuff that we hear we get these, these false, you know, preconceived notions of what of what people in the Middle East are like, and then you get over there and wow, they're they're some of the friendliest, most hospitable people, whether they're from Israel or the West Bank, or wherever. So we have a lot of Arab friends in Israel and in the West Bank and just some of the best people in the world. So it's it's, it's amazing to see that.

Jeff Futers :

I agree. And there is absolutely nothing like Arab hospitality. Arab hospitality is is like nothing I've ever seen when I visit with some of our Arab partners there... the food oh my goodness, and they just they keep bringing it and bringing it and bringing it and and it's, it's not good for me personally, physically, around the middle but it is amazing to be able to be a part of that. And what about the meal that we had at Jericho that day? You know, the chicken dish with the rice and the the pita Oh my goodness.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah and the hummus. Yeah. What was that drink? They do some sort of a lemon. Lemon drink?

Jeff Futers :

Yeah, the mint lemonade kind of.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, I'm so hungry...So apparently it's not the camera that adds 10 pounds.

Jeff Futers :

Well, yeah, I hear ya. Listen, that's great. So so we did the Jericho. We did the Jericho interviews. We didn't just talk to Danny, Danny, the digger. We also talked to some, some pastors, some theologians, some people that kind of helped us walk through the story and a Rabbi too our good friend, Rabbi Ken Spiro. And, yeah. Talk Talk a little bit about some of the people that we encountered.

Laura Delegarde :

I think another feature was going to Israel, our tour guides have always said, well, there's no archaeological evidence of a destruction, you know, that matches the Bible. Jericho. So we were going in with that kind of understanding. But I had read some other articles that said theirs is actually starting to find that there's much more of a possibility than they thought there's there are scholars that are contradicting Kathleen Kenyons original, you know her theory. So it was neat to go there and kind of figure out what we you know what we felt and thought and hear the archaeologists there. But I would say the highlight for episode one for me was talking to the archaeologist that worked at Hazor because Hazor was just everything that evidence matches a story in the Bible and pretty much without dispute or not much of a dispute. I don't think...

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, these aren't religious people. These aren't people that want the evidence to support their belief. These are people that are purely scholarly and and they want the science right. What does, what does the find tell us? They draw their conclusions from there and to have somebody like that, who doesn't have that, you know, doesn't have that, that faith agenda to try to prove something and end up proving something. I mean, that's...that is the best.

Laura Delegarde :

I mean, maybe for the viewers that Hazor is not mentioned as much in the Bible, but it is mentioned in the conquest of the promised land as the head of all the kingdoms in the area. So it is the head the big Canaanite, you know, big ones, so, like the Washington DC Yeah, you know, what he was saying at the time and so to just see that they were able to conquer that and the evidence really points to Israel. Yeah, ancient Israel really blew me away.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, it's it's so cool to hear that and then to get some of the background from say, Ken Spiro and Ken and also AnaRina Heymann from Align with Zion, they bring such understanding to our Western Christian minds, you know, to hear to hear from from the Jewish perspective of not only the history, but some of the theology. You know, I, it's, it's not something that changes your faith as a Christian. But it certainly brings much more understanding, which I find is is pretty amazing. I think it's very valuable to have people like Ken and AnaRina in a series like this, because they're able to bring so much of the Jewish roots of what we've read, especially, I mean, Old Testament stuff. And I know there's a lot of people that think, oh, I don't even bother reading the Old Testament, it's too It's too boring or it's too bloody or, or whatever. And they think that it's not really relevant for us today, but I would strongly disagree.

Laura Delegarde :


Jeff Futers :

I love what you said about that context, because Judaism, you know, as we understand more about the thinking of, of the of the Jewish people over the centuries, it doesn't really challenge Christianity, it actually it actually helps to flesh it out. It helps to, for us to understand it in a in a, in a broader perspective. And for us to also, you know, be challenged with our narrow Western mindset because you know, we contextualize everything, we take it all and make it about us. And it's not all about us. It's about God building his family. And we get to be a part of the family eventually down the line. But, you know, God is building his family. And so there's this this amazing, this amazing reality that we become aware of, as we as we understand some of those perspectives a little more, and we've had AnaRina on the show before on the...and Ken as well, and it's just, it's great to get their perspective and then also the perspective of some of our friends in Israel who are involved in in the Christian and the Messianic world, people like like Chad Holland from King of Kings and man Chad has a sharp brilliant mind, the guy thinks on his feet like nobody I think I've ever heard before. And what what incredible depth that he brings to the whole story as well. Not just the Jericho story but but throughout the series. Yeah,

Laura Delegarde :

It's a very consistent blend the whole documentary of... you have your scholars, you know, archaeologists, you have your theologians, both Jewish and both Christian Messianic. There's just a nice blend of voices and it's just lovely to hear the truth come out through those voices.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

All of these... have all of these people from different backgrounds, saying the same thing. Now how often does that happen?

Jeff Futers :

Exactly, yeah, yeah. I mean, we know we understand we don't agree on every every single fine point but, but where, where those where those thoughts mesh or or merge together and line up, it's it's incredible to see the sort of the truth that comes out. And you know, I just think people are going to be so challenged by this series and not just have it you know, underscore or or, or what's the word I'm looking for, you know, not just have it confirm not just have it confirm everything that they've always believed but but have added to their perspective other elements that they didn't even think about that that even more solidly help the truth to be established. I think that that's going to be a phenomenal thing.

Laura Delegarde :

I think that First Century Foundations and you know, that your name encompasses that idea of Christianity had there was a foundation there you know that Christianity system already there before Christianity grew from it and I just love that there's so many Jewish voices speaking into these traditions and things you never knew about King David for example things like you know his background and where he came from I had no idea it was... you know he came out of difficult circumstances and and to just have that add into the narrative is so amazing it just brings your faith so much more alive.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah. First Century Foundations had to be built on top of something not just floating in space. So you know the first century foundations of our faith and that, you know from the time of Jesus, it's sitting on something that it's, you know, it's sitting on a bedrock of, you know, thousands of years. Absolutely. Jewish history. Yeah,

Jeff Futers :

I think that You know, we we talk about if somebody were to say, Well, why why would you as a charity as a ministry that helps ministries in Israel want to do a documentary series like this? And my answer would be, well, our mission is that we are here we exist to turn hearts around the world towards the land, the people and the God of Israel. That's the stated mission that we have on our website. That's sort of what guides everything that we do. And when I think about turning hearts toward Israel, and toward the God of Israel, I think about educating people about informing them about the fact that the Word of God is true, and that we can, we can challenge you know, the science behind it, and the archaeology behind it to understand that really, there's so much that confirms what the Bible tells us. And I believe that as people, you know, fall in love with Israel, for example, if Israel is something that they're excited about, they fall in love with Israel. And the archaeology and everything, they're going to fall more in love with with God as well and see God's hand in his faithfulness, not just in their lives but in, in the history of the world. And so that's why we do things like this. Of course, we pray too that it will help to fund more ministry that that can happen in Israel in the future. We want to be able to continue to help these organizations in the land of Israel with with money with finances and as we make this product available to people that they can purchase it, they can download it they can, they can buy the DVDs if they still use DVD players, and I know lots of people still do. And so you know, we'll we'll make sure that that we have this out there so that people can purchase it. And we're working today on the on the site. You know, the landing page, I can tell you that it's miraculous victories with an You may not find anything if you go there right this second, but something will be up in the next day or so. And we want to just encourage you to check that out. So, yeah, a lot of a lot of fun putting this together. I, what I thought was so exciting. I mean, so here's, here's the, you know, the geek part. I just love sitting and listening to all of these archaeologists talk about talking about what they do, how they find what they find, and how they, you know, are able to authenticate some of these things. I mean, listening to listening to Amnon Ben Tor, and, you know, to Danny, the Digger and to Eilat Mazar. Oh, my goodness, she is amazing. Just Just hearing them talk about the work that they do. And Eilat, especially...Dr. Mazar... She's so unassuming, you know, she's just so down to earth. And very, very, very, very clear about the work that she does. She's not out to, you know, to prove anything. But you know, she says I work and she's Jewish by the way, she's not a Christian believer but she says I work with a trowel in one hand and and a Bible in the other because because we're looking to see, you know what it is that we can find here in this land that that corroborates the story of our Jewish history. I just think she's incredible.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, especially considering all of the stuff that's happening in the world today. There's a lot of people questioning, questioning history questioning our values questioning where we came from, and to find proof that the that the book that our Judeo Christian values and Western life is based on to find proof that they're not just fables. It wasn't just a group of old fuddy duddy guys who wanted to make rules to try and control people. Or I mean, that's the that's the perception to it to find out that the book is, is true that that our values that our way of life comes from somewhere, and that the history is all valid and real. It's more important than ever, for us to find the roots of who we are and where we came from. Because they're, they're being challenged, they're being challenged every day. And that's why I think it's very important for for, for everyone who, who live, you know whose values are Judeo-Christian, Western, you know, lifestyle in our culture... important for you to know where we came from. It's important for you to understand why we have the culture and the values that we have, because you are going to be challenged and if you can't give an answer, then you know what, what what good is it You know, we enjoy so many freedoms, we enjoy such an amazing way of life. And, you know, I think it's important for us to understand where that came from.

Jeff Futers :

That's great. That's really really good. Laura you have any thoughts on that?

Laura Delegarde :

Um, I agree. 100% I think it's really critical and especially as the world is going through so much turmoil right now, I think a lot of people are seeking and you know, they're home and they're alone with their thoughts more and just wondering, you know, how, you know, what's the world coming to and what's, you know, what, maybe what, what's the purpose of all of this and it's just amazing to me to be working on this documentary at this time. I've come away sometimes from writing with tears in my eyes, just going through my own personal hardships right now and just looking at for example, King Hezekiah who, you know, everything looked like Jerusalem was just going to be destroyed. You know, here you have an army that has destroyed pretty much all every other city in Judah, except Jerusalem and Lachish has just gone down, you know, your biggest and most beautiful, you know, city and here before is like I mean we were in Lachish, we saw the fortifications and Chris has some amazing shots. And to think that such a mighty city fell down and here's Hezekiah, you know, God help me what do I do and he just goes into the temple, he goes into God's presence and he just says help. And to think that that prayer so simple, you know, just God heard and he said, Isaiah, you know, go tell him it's going to be okay. And, you know, it's just amazing to see that there's actually archaeology evidence that backs the fact that God answered Hezekiah's prayer, you know, he's crying to God. And it just for me that was so encouraging for me to just that God, you know, just give him your problems. And I think, Jeff, you ended that, that episode with, you know, be anxious for nothing. Don't flinch... just pray. It's just so simple. And I think just those kind of lessons that are coming out, for me, are really meaningful.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

I love the fact especially with the Hezekiah story that not only do you see, of course, what's written in the Bible and the archaeological evidence, but we also have Sennacherib's account. Yes, yeah. So you've got this source outside the Bible, that of course, he doesn't tell you why he left Jerusalem. He doesn't tell you what you read. You can read his own words of how he feels like he's got as a kind of trapped like a bird in a cage. And he had he had he was so impressed with his own victory over Lachish that he had his throne room in Nineveh, he had a massive, massive, what do you call it a mural or, you know, this whole scene laid out that they they found a number of years ago. And so you don't just have to take the Bible's word for it. You can look outside the Bible and find the other side of that account and verify it.

Jeff Futers :

And of course, as Sennacherib is writing his account, he's going to put himself in the very best possible light. I mean, that's right. That's, that's how it works, when you are writing your memoirs.

Laura Delegarde :

We know if he had conquered Jerusalem that it would have been announced, very loud and clear.

Jeff Futers :


Laura Delegarde :

It was nowhere.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

It was the only one not mentioned..He, he talks about the siege of Jerusalem but it's the only city he doesn't talk about conquering.

Jeff Futers :

Right..Yeah, yeah. phenomenal, phenomenal stuff. I love you know, I want to go back you said something Laura about about Isaiah going to Hezekiah with the message and and the fact that these two were were contemporaries of each other. And then we talked to to Dr. Mazar, Eilat Mazar, who shared with us how these two bullae were found. One with the name Hezekiah on it King Hezehiah... one with almost definitively, the name of Isaiah the prophet...Yeah, nine or 10 feet apart, three meters. I think she Yeah, social distancing

Laura Delegarde :

It is pretty amazing.

Jeff Futers :

But it is amazing because it comes right down to the same time period of the story. And and they find them there below the Temple Mount. And what did you say it was in the bakery? Kind of Yeah, the garbage area of the bakery. It's just phenomenal to think about all of these things that we discovered together. And you know what, I go back to something one of you said earlier, we truly are extremely blessed, to be able to travel there to be able to have done some of the things that we've done to talk to some of the people that we've talked to. And I just want to say, you know, while we're on the, on the live feed here and on the podcast, you know, Laura, thank you so much for all of the legwork that you did, to pull all of this together. Because, you know, I just became so aware, when when we were doing this series that I didn't have to make any phone calls, I didn't have to set up any interviews, I didn't have to line up any experts. I didn't have to do any of that I just I showed up and went on camera and all of the credit goes to you for pulling this together as a cohesive you know, thing. Six one hour episodes that we're going to end up with, and and somehow you pulled that together in a period of, you know, that we actually did the filming and the interviewing in a period of about two weeks? A little less than two weeks...About 11 days I think right? And, and we're still friends afterwards. Right?

Laura Delegarde :

Not eating all day and yeah,

Jeff Futers :

yeah, yeah. Like I will say I'm cognizant of the time here because if I go past too far past lunch hour, you guys are going to whine and complain that I you know that you didn't get your lunch again today.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

I'm actually waiting to do that actually. Watching my watch...

Jeff Futers :

You've been watching your watch?

Chris Atkins, One Media :

So that I can complain...

Jeff Futers :

So that you can complain? Oh, well feel free. You have the floor.

Laura Delegarde :

If you could just go back to that that meal In Galilee. Oh, oh, yeah.

Jeff Futers :

Yes, yes. Yes. Here's a little free advertising for Decks in Tiberias, right? What a phenomenal place. And the food. Oh my goodness. If my friend Doug is watching he probably know probably too busy today to be watching, but maybe he'll watch this at some point, Doug knows Decks very well. And we actually had to text him a picture of the meal that day so that he could, you know, feel what he was missing. I, I know, he appreciated that very much.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

I think we should also mention though that, you know, when we do the filming, and we do the editing, that is, that's not the biggest part of making this thing. And so, so all the research that Laura's had to put in, I mean, months...months of work, that's when you know, it's kind of funny when, when you're dealing with this kind of stuff, and the viewer will sit down and watch an hour. You know, they don't realize how many hours went into making that hour and how many sleepless nights and how many hair pulling out sessions taking place to get all of that stuff together. So yeah, yeah, it's it's it's a lot of work, but man, it's so cool that we get to do that work.

Laura Delegarde :

I feel just blessed to be able to do this. It's such an honor and

Jeff Futers :

and let's let people know too that that on the other end on the editing end as Laura is trying to pull all this together and and go through the the different video segments and figure out how it all fits. Just for fun. Let's throw COVID-19 in there and have your kids home 24 seven and not be able to leave your house and all of that.

Laura Delegarde :

Honestly, if teachers aren't on strike it's COVID. It's been it's been one of those years, since about January things have been off the rails at our house, but ah...

Jeff Futers :

Yeah, well, we salute you. You've done some amazing work, and we're really looking forward to seeing the finished product. You know, I really think that we have we've covered a lot of material today and I don't want to prolong this but I will just say that well first of all, it just it was a pleasure working with both of you and continues to be today was fun. I'm glad that we could see each other's faces and get to chat again and catch up. But we had a great time as we as we filmed this, you know, Laura, thanks for keeping track of all my shirts. Because I don't think people understand I don't think people realize that when you're doing something like this, every every place you stop to film could be for a different, you know, episode based on based on how the the interviews and stuff line up. So a lot of quick changes in the car or outside the car or, you know, whatever. And you kept track of it all. So that was great. And, you know, Chris, you, I'll say this about the TV show, for sure. You know, for the television show. Whenever I would be stuck, you'd always figure out what it is, I should say, or give me some kind of idea that that could get me rolling. And we can be a little temperamental, us, us. You know, Pastor personality type people, and so I, I appreciated, you know, both of you kind of keeping me going and keeping me motivated and encouraging me telling me that that it was good even when it wasn't. And, you know, some of that kind of thing. But yeah, hope we we ended up we finally did get sort of the takes we needed and I was excited and happy about that. But...

Laura Delegarde :

Very quickly actually I was not expecting it to go as smoothly as it did. I think God's grace was definitely there. And I just think, yeah, you did well,

Chris Atkins, One Media :

It's not an easy task, first of all the standard for the camera and talk, but then talk about this kind of stuff. There's a lot of you have to have all that knowledge. You have to have that stuff in your heart and in your brain and then be able to articulate it and you did a great job.

Jeff Futers :

Well, thank you. You guys are very, very kind, but it's it's tremendous for us to be able to To be able to be involved in this project together, and I'm getting excited because we're getting close. Let's say...let's say by the end of July that that we should have three episodes ready for people to for people to purchase and I'm just excited about that. We'll put the trailer up on the on the website and that should be ready as I said in the next day or so. And we've put the YouTube link into the Facebook Live feed so that anybody who's been watching on Facebook Live can can see the trailer from there or go to our YouTube channel, First Century Foundations. And if you just search First Century Foundations on YouTube, you'll find all of our video stuff there. You can watch three seasons of the show. You can see lots of our ministry type stuff, but the the trailer is there as well. And it's unlisted at the moment. But after I get off of this call, I'm going to change that. Because we're sort of going full public today. And you know, we really are excited about this. So six episodes I have them right here so that I don't mess this up. Episode One, Victory Over the Promised Land. We talk about Jericho we talk about Hazor and and other victories. David and Goliath is Episode Two. Man we didn't get the chance to talk about going to the valley of Elah.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Oh, right. Yeah, yeah.

Jeff Futers :

What a phenomenal place.

Laura Delegarde :


Jeff Futers :

Yeah. Yeah. And then Episode Three, God Saves Jerusalem. That's Sennacherib and Hezekiah that I mentioned Episode Four will be Victory Over Sin and Death. And this is the incredible victory that Jesus won for all of us. And I know that that's going to be one that people are looking forward to Episode Five is The Resurrected Army and you know, this amazing story of the Jewish people since the time of Jesus, and the Diaspora and how God has had his hand upon their lives and how he brought them back together as a nation in 1948. There's some great, great stuff in that episode, and then Episode Six Miraculous Peace, And we talked about, among other things in that episode, you know, things like Anti Semitism and God's faithfulness to Israel as we move forward through history. And I just think this is going to be so phenomenal. So we'll kind of bring this all to a bit of a close, but what do you guys want to say before we sign off here today?

Chris Atkins, One Media :

I would say that I'm very excited about this...about this series. And I mean, there's so many victories, we just kind of hit a few of them, I don't know maybe we'll have to do another, another series to pick up some more but...

Jeff Futers :

Well, you know what we talked about kind of the first three, a little bit. Maybe we'll do this again. When we we're ready to release the full, you know, the full set or, or maybe we'll do one for each of the episodes, four or five and six. Now in the fall, I think that would be kind of fun to do. And, you know, I'm sort of envisioning, we're going to release three at once, at the end of July. And then what I'd love to do is release one at a time then until all six are done, and then we'll packages package it as a set. And it'll be fun. It'll be all kinds of excitement.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

That's great.

Laura Delegarde :

Sounds great. I just want to say it's been such a pleasure working with you guys together as a team. Jeff, you've been such a I'm so excited and still so honored to have met you and to be connected with you and Sharon, and I'll meet her one of these days.

Jeff Futers :

That was her at the door when we were trying to figure out the whole headphones thing...

Laura Delegarde :

Yeah. And, of course, Chris working with you again on this project has been just such a blessing. It has been such an adventure once again, lots of fun. You know, there's always the hard, hard parts for getting everything rolling and jet lag and all that, but it's just, you can just feel like God's hands been on this project. And so I'm very excited for. For it's release. Yes, yeah. Full release...

Jeff Futers :

Yeah. Well, thank you. Those are very kind words. And I just want to reiterate, you know, Laura, especially the work that you've done, I remember this was the first time you've been away from your kids in that long as well. Right. This was kind of a, your first foray back out into into travel, for work and all that kind of thing after having your children and so thanks for doing that with us. And, you know, we managed somehow you got you connected by FaceTime and stayed connected that way and we we all figure it out when we're away from our loved ones. But you know, Chris, I know that when you go home people are your family is like, oh, you're back. But

Chris Atkins, One Media :

yeah, well now this is the longest that, that I've been home since since my kids who are now, you know, 19 and 15 were born. And so yeah, they haven't they haven't chased me out yet. So we're getting along pretty good here.

Jeff Futers :

They're not dropping hints about you traveling somewhere soon or...

Chris Atkins, One Media :

No, no, in fact, the opposite...we've had a lot of family game nights and stuff. That's been it's been difficult for work, but it's very, very good for the family.

Jeff Futers :

So yeah, that's amazing. Sounds fun.

Laura Delegarde :

And what's amazing, we've got this amazing footage that's so fresh, you know, and it's just like, just in time, you know?

Jeff Futers :

Yeah. So as we as we sort of wrap up, that's what I wanted to say. I think it's incredible. None of us knew. None of us knew in November, as we were putting all of this together. That COVID was going to happen. We have no idea that this was on the horizon. And here in a moment where people are going through so much in their lives and their families with loss of jobs, and I mean, you talk about battles you talk about, about, you know, about being desperate and and about feeling discouraged. I think that that this is a timely message for people, that that God in the midst of our incredible, incredible challenges will help us to come through victorious. I, I didn't know Laura, you didn't know when you were writing some of this stuff that this would be the time or the environment that this message would come out in. But I just think it's going to be an encouragement to so many people who are fighting with with anxiety who are having mental health issues Who are you know, just going through it because of isolation and fear that you know, people are afraid or what does this virus mean? Look at Israel right now Israel is now moving into a second wave and a very, very serious situation with more people getting on ventilators more, you know, more cases per day than then we're seeing in Ontario right now. And we have about 5 million more people here in our province than they do in Israel. So it's it's just, it's the timing to me is is uncanny. It's almost as though, you know, God might have had something to do with this. Not with COVID. But with but with this encouraging message for people to know that, that when things are beyond hope, that God can still, you know, be faithful to us and help us to come through victorious. I think that's amazing.

Laura Delegarde :

It is amazing... it's a timely message for such a time as this. It feels right.

Chris Atkins, One Media :


Jeff Futers :

Amen. Well, listen, guys. Thanks for coming on today, Chris. I know you need to go and get your lunch.

Chris Atkins, One Media :

Yeah, and

Jeff Futers :

Yeah, say Say hi to your families for me and thanks for joining us if you if you're watching listening on the on the live event or on the podcast today, thank you for joining us. And we want to just remind you, this is going to be available soon by the end of July is our target date for the first three episodes to be available and you can find out more at and so we're going to say goodbye. Thanks for being with us, and check out Miraculous Victories of Israel. Thanks for listening to the podcast today. Just want to reiterate, we would love it if you would check out our Miraculous Victories of Israel documentary series. It's going to be available end of July/1st of August and is the website. Remember, we do support many ministries in the land of Israel. If you would like to help us by donating to assist those ministries, we would appreciate that so very much Our website is, that is firstcenturyfoundations with an, will take you right to our donate page. And it would be just such a wonderful thing if you would help us in that way. Thanks for listening in today. And remember, as Christians we stand with Israel.