Keeping It Israel

Unearthing the Bible's Historical Reliability | An Interview with Archaeologist Scott Stripling

Jeff Futers/Scott Stripling Season 2 Episode 24

In this episode of “Keeping it Israel” Jeff talks to Scott Stripling, Provost and Professor of Biblical Archaeology and Church History at the Bible Seminary in Houston Texas and Director of Excavations for the Associates for Biblical Research at ancient Ai and Shiloh. In this exciting conversation, Scott talks about the incredible archaeological discoveries that have been unearthed in both Shiloh and Ai – discoveries that bring the Bible to life and reveal its historical reliability.

First Century Foundations is a Charity that supports ministries in Jerusalem and many other parts of the country of Israel. Our mission is to turn hearts around the world toward the land, people and God of Israel. PLEASE SUPPORT THE SHOW HERE.

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To learn about how you can join an archaeological dig with Scott, CLICK HERE.

To learn more about Scott Stripling and his work, please visit the links below:

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