Connect With Your Inner Trial Goddess

Change This Thought Pattern to Master Trial Strategy

Joy Bertrand Season 1 Episode 7

Welcome to Woowoo Wednesday!  Have you ever heard of the saying, "She is her own worst enemy?” When you think about it for a second, there is nothing more self-defeating.  Because as I am sure you are aware, wherever you go, you are there.  What would happen if you could make one adjustment to overpower this soul-crushing tendency? Like most things worth doing, it is straight-forward and makes all the sense of the world.  Easy, no.  Simple, yes, yes, yes.  This is something that I learned quite some time ago and I want to share it with you through an interview with my thought-mentor.  I hope you enjoy it and share with me what you think. 

To Your Inner Athena,
PS.  Please accept my invitation to join our tribe here - objectively the strongest group of trial lawyers on Facebook.  And I am not biased in the least....
