KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast

SPECIAL ~ 2021 KarmicTools Special Alignments

Kelly M Beard Season 2021 Episode 3

This Week's Post [transcript]:

Kelly M Beard's 2021 Karmic Tools Special Alignments is a complement to the 2021 Energetic Overview. This podcast covers this year's special  Activations aka transits that we will all have to navigate. It is only the more rare alignments of Mars, Jupiter & Saturn to the other planets that are special & unique to the year 2021. 

Also check out the 2021 Energetic Overview which covers the Solar & Lunar Rhythms, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn and their respective new cycles that will be getting underway during 2021. This is an excellent one to re-listen at the turn of the seasons, at Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall quarters. When you are able to listen more than once, you always receive additional clarity & messages. 

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