KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast

Relevant Reflections: Last Time Jupiter in Pisces 2010

Kelly M Beard Season 2021 Episode 35

This Week's Post - with reference to Jupiter in Pisces 2010 [transcript]:

This is an Overview of Jupiter in Pisces recorded in 2010, when there were some other very special & rare alignments. It was so useful & relevant to review this Overview because many of those alignments have since happened giving us hindsight or they are literally just about to happen! Everything on this audio is also good Guidance for navigating our current 2021-22 Jupiter Cycle with more consciousness, self-awareness and faith.
The above link takes you to the post where this 2010 audio is discussed in more detail, we encourage you to review that too:
Jupiter in Pisces 2021 ~ HERE:

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