KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast

Special LEO New Moon Divinations ~ 2 of 3

Kelly M Beard Season 2021 Episode 42

Special LEO New Moon Divinations

GENERAL Guidance:
Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes
Heat: Retrieving Sacred Sexuality + Trip to Rwanda
ANCESTOR Guidance:
HooDoo Tarot by Tayannah Lee McQuillar
XIV ~ Father Simms
Plant Medicine:  Peavine

ANIMAL Medicine
White Eagle Medicine Wheel by Eliana Harvey
BEAVER ~ Industry/Flexibility/Creativity

Shaman's Path Message Cards by Steven Farmer

#shamanicastrologer #karmictools #kellymbeard #energeticsupport
#weeklyforecast #lunarguidance #solarguidance #activations
#earthmedicinepractitioner #mysticmentor #transits #planetarycycles
#spiritualguidance #astrology #skyrhythms #shamanicastrology
#earthrhythms #earthcycles #fullmoon #aquarius #leo #newmoon

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