KarmicTools Forecast ~ Weekly Podcast

2022 ~ Special Alignments

Kelly M Beard Season 2022 Episode 3

This Week's Post [transcript]:
This update covers the Special Alignments happening in 2022. Each and every year has its own flavor and specific activations to deal with or navigate. Because I cover Venus on a monthly basis, I have only included Mars & Jupiter, although I did cover the New Venus Cycle in the Energetic Overview HERE. Saturn will be rather reserved this year after all the trouble it stirred up last year with major activations, so we are still dealing with and integrating all of that throughout this year too. For our purposes here, I will go over them in the order they happen and I will synthesize them along the way. That said, I also covered Jupiter moving into Pisces, Saturn’s last year in Aquarius and Mars lingering in Gemini on the 2022 Energetic Overview HERE, so here, I only cover how they interact with others during 2022.

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