Swan Dive

Dr Carmen Rojas - "Abundance & Spaciousness" - President and CEO of Marguerite Casey Foundation shifting the balance of power

February 15, 2022 Ron Rothberg and Stu Sheldon Season 6 Episode 3

The youngest Latina ever to run a nationally endowed philanthropic foundation, this inspiring daughter of immigrants, Dr. Carmen Rojas, has dedicated her life to bettering the lives of underserved working people across the US. Growing up in a sprawling, multicultural family, surrounded by love and core values, instilled in Carmen a deep sense of promise. “For me, it’s really about supporting people, organizations and initiatives that create an alternative possibility where it’s not a zero sum game but where instead we are seen as collectively coming together in order to fill the promise of a multiracial democracy," says Carmen. Now, as president & CEO of The Marguerite Casey Foundation, this visionary, dreamer and truth-teller puts the money where it matters to support leaders, scholars and initiatives focused on shifting the balance of power in society — building power for communities that continue to be excluded from shaping how society works … and from sharing in its rewards and freedoms. She holds a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley and was a Fulbright Scholar in 2007. Her 2021 Seattle Times editorial, "How philanthropies can support grassroots social movements," exemplifies her purpose-driven life, awash in much-needed optimism.

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