Swan Dive

Josh Felser - I See You - Internet Pioneer Pivots to Climate Crisis

Ron Rothberg and Stu Sheldon Season 4 Episode 1

Internet pioneer and early stage investor, Josh Felser, was co-founder and president of Spinner, the first multi-channel Internet radio service, acquired by AOL for $320mm in 1999. He next co-founded and was CEO of Grouper/Crackle - one of the first user-powered Internet video networks, acquired by Sony for $65mm in 2006. While we would’ve next disappeared forever onto a mega-yacht in the Greek Isles, this serial entrepreneur co-founded Freestyle, an early stage VC with active investments in Internet and mobile startups, where he is now a Board Partner. In Feb, 2020, Josh helped launch TSG, a State task force to source private company solutions to solve many of the challenges facing the State of California from the COVID-19 crisis. Josh has recently turned his vast experience and vision to solving the climate crisis, angel investing in companies that foster a more resilient planet with a spotlight on energy management, food and water supply chain and more. Josh attended his first Burning Man 20 years ago with Swan Dive co-host, Stu Sheldon, and has been every year since. 

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