Your Hidden Light Podcast

It’s Going to Be a Good Year

March 30, 2021 Raana Zia Season 2 Episode 1

In the first episode of season 2 I discuss where we've been, where we are, and where we have the potential to go this year.  Whether you realize it or not, you have already moved into a higher level of consciousness from where you were a year ago.  You can see things and feels things at a deeper level of knowing and intuition.  As you look to the year ahead, you know deep down that this year will be a good year despite what may be happening around you.  You may not recognize this knowing yet because of all of your external distractions.  In this episode, I share some reminders and strategies to help you align yourself with your inner knowing, so you can realize the blessings, gifts, and miracles that are yours this year.  It's going to be a good year.