Your Hidden Light Podcast

There is No One Way

April 13, 2021 Raana Zia Season 2 Episode 3

In this episode I talk about how there is no one way to do something or accomplish, experience, or achieve something.  While we may think that there is only one way or that someone else knows THE answer, you know deep down there is always another way or a better way for you.  In a world filled with access to advice, tutorials, and teachings, it is important to not get caught up on what others are doing or what you think you should be doing.  The most powerful factor that determines your personal success or happiness is your Divine connection.  Its the part of you that knows what advice to take and what advice not to take.  Its the part of you that will always show you your unique way if you tune in and ask for guidance.  In this episode I share some suggestions to help you tune into your own inner guidance so you can realize your way, your solution, and your personal path you came here to experience.