Nemos News Network

Silent War Ep. 6285: McCarthy-Ists, Brazil: Civil War, VaxSquitos

Nemos News Network

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In this episode of The Silent War:

ENORMOUS CROWD – TENS OF THOUSANDS of Brazilians Descend on Brasilia, Storm Congress – SHOTS FIRED. 

Lula orders ‘federal intervention’ against rioters. 

Brazilian Journalist Who Exposed Child Sex Abuse in Schools Targeted by Communist Lula Regime Describes His Persecution: “Over 800 Arrest Warrants Filed by Chief Justice Moraes”. 

"Backdown" Bolsonaro Condemns Vandalism, 5 Shot and 1200 Arrested as Protesters Disarm Provocateurs and Hand Them Over to Police. 

Six Journalists Arrested For Releasing Video Showing South Sudan President Wetting Himself. 

Jim Jordan Will Chair “Weaponization of Government” Select Committee. 

Biden Condemns Brazil Protests While Brazilian Army Steps in and Protects Protesters from Lula’s Police and Truckers Join in Protests. 

First Increased Social Security Payments Arriving Wednesday – Average Recipient To Get An Extra $140. 

Mother Of Ashli Babbitt Arrested For "Jaywalking" Near Capitol While Protesting. 

FBI Agent Robert Cessario Who Destroyed Computer Evidence Against Trump-Supporting Lawmaker Gets 3 Years Probation – While GOP Lawmaker Rots in Prison for 18 Years. 

New York Gun Control Law Unconstitutional: NY Supreme Court. 

Communist Chinese Scientists Explore Using MOSQUITOS to Distribute VACCINES, Could Create Dangerous MUTANT Insects Instead. 

Shills like Hannity Launched Full Frontal Assault on Rep. Lauren Boebert for Not Supporting Kevin McCarthy.

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