Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

March 2022 Astro Update and Sun Sign Forecast

March 01, 2022 Jill Jardine Season 5 Episode 109

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Professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, shares here Astrology Update for March 2022. Stay tuned to the end of the episode for sun sign forecasts for each Zodiac sign. 

March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. The planetary war between Mars and Venus in Capricorn is still raging, mirroring the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Mars is the god of war, and Venus is the goddess of love and peace!  Venus will win as she breaks away from the conjunction with Mars after March 18th and ushers in Peace during this Piscean equinox.  Pisces is an introspective and more internal sign than Aquarius. It is the last sign of the zodiac, so it represents the end of a cycle and hopefully a maturation and soulful resolution of the past  months. 

Here are the Key dates: 
March 2: New Moon in Pisces -12:35 pm EST
March 6 - Venus & Mars transit into Aquarius (1:30 am EST)
March 10 - Mercury transits into Pisces
March 18:  Full Moon @ 3:18 am EST with Sun in Pisces/Moon in Virgo
March 20:  SPRING EQUINOX arrives at 11:33 am EST when Sun enters Aries
March 27:   Mercury transits into Aries.

March slides in with all systems go as all planets are traveling direct until April 29th when Pluto goes retrograde right before the Solar Eclipse of April 30th.  So we are free and clear of eclipses or retrograde planets until the end of April.   Timelines are coming to head for everyone personally and collectively. 

Mars, Venus and Pluto conjunct at 27 degrees Capricorn on March 3, 2022. This is the degree of America’s Pluto and the U.S. has been experiencing it’s Pluto Return at the exact degree during February and early March 2022.  

On March 2nd, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Pisces, with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune all traveling through this surreal and spiritual sign. If one is tuned to the higher dimensions of light, they will notice symbols and  synchronicities everywhere during March.

This New Moon is generous and optimistic as it shares celestial space with jovial Jupiter.  Harmony flows to Uranus in Taurus for progressive, innovative and new insights. Mercury and Saturn are closely aligned in Aquarius , giving cause for collective concerns.

New Moon with Sun, (the Light), Moon (the subconscious), Jupiter (the benefic) & Neptune (the mystic) in Pisces can be a time of deep healing, replenishing, and connecting to source. 

On March 6 - Venus and Mars leave Capricornian cluster with Pluto and strike out in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius.  Mars and Venus say “you can’t put baby in a corner!”

On March 10, Mercury shifts into Pisces, joining Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in the watery realms.  Things are about to get groovy. The dimensions are blurring and we are swimming in the celestial soups of surreal life, shamanic dreamtime, altered realities, and mystic crystal visions.

On March 18th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo. Get ready for information being exposed that has been hidden or distorted.  Virgo rules issues around health and service.  It’s good time to take care of things you have neglected around health, routines, diet, work and organizing your life in a way that allow it to be on remote control. This Full Moon harmonizes with Pluto, amplifying the themes of transformation, release and rebirth.

SPRING EQUINOX ARRIVES ON 3/20/22, marking the beginning of the Astrological New Year as the sun transits into Aries.  Spring is the natural season to initiate new regimes, especially concerning health and diet.

Mercury shifts into Aries on March 27th, amplifying the themes initiating at the spring equinox and  - kicking up the urge to surge and get things done!  Ready set go!

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