Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

May 2022 Astro Update and Sun Sign Forecasts

Jill Jardine Season 6 Episode 117

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Lots of Astro Action in May will keep us on our toes waiting for the other shoe to drop.  We enter the lusty month of May in an eclipse window which opened at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus on April 30, 2022, the day after Pluto went retrograde.. The intensity churns up when Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on May 10th while Jovial Giant Jupiter jaunts into fiery Aries turning up the heat and joining Venus in the sign of the rambunctious ram and Mars joins the cosmic bonfire on May 24th .Full Moon Lunar eclipse occurs in the middle of the month, casting more light on the lurking shadows, and unleashing a financial free fall in the coming months.

Here are the Key dates in May 2022: 
May 2: Venus transits Aries until 5/28
May 10 : Jupiter transits Aries until October 29,2022
May 10: Mercury Retrograde until 6/3
May 16: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with Moon in Scorpio/Sun in Taurus (WESAK MOON)
May 22:  Mercury retrogrades into Taurus until 6/3
May 24: Mars transits into Aries until Jully 5
May 30: New Moon in Gemini

May marches in still reeling from retrograde pluto and eclectic ecliptic episode at April’s end. Pace picks up pretty fast on May 2nd when Venus leaves her exalted Piscean palatial palace into Aries, igniting relationships, and flaming the fires of love  Time to make that move and advance your love life and creative plans . Jovial Jupiter adds fuel to the Aries flames when he transits into Aries on May 10th for an extended stay until October 29th.  Check out my previous podcast on Jupiter’s transits to Aries.  

We’ll be feeling big shifts of energy when the Cosmic giant Jupiter opens up new portals and potentials. Here are the highlights: We will get lit up with this fiery infusion of inspiration and activity. We will be launching new projects and advancig plans.

May 10th is astro action packed day as Mercury also goes retrograde in Gemini until May 22, when he continues his reversal until June 3 in the sign of Taurus.

This Mercury retrograde cycle delivers delays, electronic and travel frustrations, schedule mix-ups and the usual Mercurial madcap maneuvers.

On May 16, 2022 ! 12:13 am on the East coast the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar eclipse occurs.  This Scorpio lunar eclipse is a total eclipse of the moon. 

Scorpio, as well as indicating shared finances, is ruled by the planet Pluto, who’s domain is death, rebirth and transformation.  So this Scorpio/Taurus full moon eclipse portends more death, with people leaving their bodies, in the next few months. During the upcoming months, we will notice that more celebrity’s are passing away, which indicates that in the general population, more people are dying. The Nodes of the Moon shifted into Scorpio and Taurus on January 19, 2022.  Since this time we have seen many people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio also marks an exalted Lunar Festival called the Wesak Moon, celebrated by Buddhists. Check out my 2021 podcast for more information on the Wesak festival.  The Wesak Festival, the great Eastern Festival of the Buddha, is known by many as a day of supreme impact.  

Mars blasts into home sign of Aries, on May 24, mustering up the martial mix. Mars joins Jupiter and Venus in assertive Aries. Watch for aggression, impulsivity and rashness.   This is good time to ignite new relationships and get your creative fires burning.  

Gemini New Moon at months end on April 30th, gives the brainpower and incentive to follow

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