Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine


Jill Jardine Season 7 Episode 137

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Eclipse Season kicks off during Scorpio season!  New Moon in Scorpio, Solar Eclipse occurs on October 25, 2022 followed by a FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on November 8, 2022.    This is a powerful window of time which will have repercussions in the upcoming months as we witness changes in our personal and collective lives. 

Eclipses also affect the collective consciousness, our country, our society, the world as well. As they mark turning points for collective humanity. They indicate change or big shifts a-coming, for better or for worse. And they also show us that we need to look at the next six months following the eclipse to see what comes up. I've noticed it usually takes the month or even two months out to see the result of an eclipse pattern whether that's in your personal life or in the collective life.

So you Taureans and Scorpions are on high alert, due to an eclipse occurring in your signs. In astrology, Scorpio and Taurus are money signs.  Taurus in our chart indicates our value system and resources, which includes money we make, what we like to spend our money on, and how we cultivate resources and what we value. Scorpio in astrology relates to shared resources, money we receive from others, partner’s money, death, transformation and rebirth.  So with the Solar eclipse of October 25  activating Scorpio, there will be many issues regarding money or lack of money, resources and the economy.  This eclipse precurses an economic crash, and comes on the heels of the end of a SHMITA year, which heralds financial woes.  Scorpio is a water sign, so they seem to view money more as the tides - it comes in and flows out, but if you keep spending and earning the flow can grow. 

On October 25, 2022 there will be a Partial Solar Eclipse 6:49 am ET. The Partial Solar eclipse can be seen in Europe, South/West Asia, North/East Africa. 

This is New moon in Scorpio.  Although it is a new Moon, and classically a time to plant seeds, NOT DURING AN ECLIPSE - eclipses obscure and take things away!

Eclipses are a great time to stay in, meditate, and do your inner work.  They  provide a powerful window to connect with spirit because the ‘veils’ are thin.  This is enhanced during Scorpio season when the veils between dimensions are lifted, and the otherworldly energies are strong!  

Total Lunar Eclipse occurs November 8, 2022 at 6:02 am on the East coast. The Taurus Full Moon Lunar eclipse occurs at 16 Degrees Taurus with the Sun at 16 degrees Scorpio.

The Total Lunar eclipse is visible in North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, South America..   There is much percolating beneath the surface, and with Saturn in Aquarius  squaring the Full Moon, the fall-out could be Saturnian with restrictive measures enforced.  A cluster of four planets in Scorpio including the South Node, Mercury, Sun, and Venus, indicate death transformation and rebirth!  

Consult your astrologer to see how this Eclipse season impacts you personally

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