Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

November 2022 Astro Update & Sun Sign Forecasts

Jill Jardine Season 8 Episode 145

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The other shoe is about to drop at Mars is now traveling retrograde and we are heading to an intense election day Full Moon/Blood Moon Lunar eclipse on November 8th! Nothing is as it seems during Scorpio season, and much will be revealed during the eclipse window!
 Key dates in NOVEMBER 2022:  November begins with Mars Retrograde since October 30, 2022 through January 12, 2023

November 8: FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse with Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Taurus with many Lunar Aspects to other planets
November 16:  Venus transits Sagittarius through December 9
November 17: Mercury transits Sagittarius through December 6
November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius
November 23:  New Moon in Sagittarius
November 23: Jupiter goes direct in Pisces

October’s spooky scenarios seep into November, haunting us through the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of November 8th.   Scorpionic Sun slides into early November, accompanied by planets Venus, Mercury and South Node slinking through the serpent’s sign of Scorpio. The veil between worlds is thin as the Day of the Dead eerily ushers in a month of revelations and reactivity. Mars turned retrograde on October 30th, coinciding with a rash of aggressive events.

Total Lunar Eclipse occurs November 8, 2022 at 6:02 am on the East coast the Taurus Full Blood Moon Lunar eclipse occurs at 16 Degrees Taurus with the Sun at 16 degrees Scorpio. The day begins with moon in Taurus opposed Mercury in Scorpio (information will be messed up), and of course during a full moon the moon is opposed the sun.  But the Moon in Taurus is also conjunct Uranus in Taurus (chaotic transit), Moon is square Saturn in Aquarius (conflict), the Sun is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio, the Moon is opposed Venus in Scorpio, and Mercury is exactly opposed Uranus in Taurus.  This is going to be a complicated time.  Of course, I had to look up what the Sabian Symbol is for 16 degrees Taurus, the degree of this Full Moon and Uranus at this Lunar Eclipse: (TAURUS 16°): AN OLD TEACHER FAILS TO INTEREST HIS PUPILS IN TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE.KEYNOTE: The inadequacy of past knowledge in time of crisis.  
The full moon eclipse occurs on election day in the U.S., so there will be some issues with elections around the country.  

The Scorpionic Squeeze begins to ease by mid month as planets slip into Sagittarius. Venus slides into Sag on November 16 joined by Mercury on November 17th in the sky seeking sign of the Archer, shooting their arrows to brighter outcomes. Venusian sensitivities reawaken romance in Sagittarius, planning parties and other social soirees for the holiday season. Mercury moves into Sag, picking up positive vibes and enhancing brain waves in bright Sagittarian light. . And as the sun saunters into spontaneous, fun-seeking Sagittarius on November 22, doors open and you re-connect with the soul after slumbering in the scorpionic shadows.  The Sag cosmic party kicks off during new moon in Sagittarius on November 23.  The future looks so much brighter than it did a few weeks or months ago!

On November 23rd, Jupiter turns direct. This change of direction can mark a turning of the corner for certain projects and relationships.  On November 23rd, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius, stirring new possibilities and freedom. How can we better express ourselves in our relationships and work? What visions for your future need to be rekindled.  Time to plan those travels for

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