Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

December 2022 Astro Update and Sun Sign Forecasts

Jill Jardine Season 8 Episode 150

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Find out the astro activity for December 2022!  Make sure you stay tuned to the end of the episode when Jill gives her December forecasts for each Zodiac sign!
Here are December's Key Dates:
December 3: Neptune goes direct in Pisces!
December 6:  Mercury in Capricorn until January 18, 2023
December 7:  Full Moon in Gemini, Sun in Sagittarius
December 9: Venus transits Capricorn until January 2, 2023
December 20: Jupiter transits into Aries
December 21: Winter Solstice - sun transits into Capricorn
December 23: New Moon in Capricorn
December 29:  Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn

December dances in with Nebulous Neptune going direct on December 3.  Neptune is the cosmic spell-binder, casting delusions and illusions, setting up smoke screens and hypnotizing the collective consciousness until they feel numb or in a trance.The fog is about to dissipate and if one chooses to wake up and become clear, or gain enhanced clarity. Get out of the haze of old patterns and control programs, whether internal or external.  After December 3 when Neptune goes direct, pay attention to the clarity and insights you receive, and tune into your own intuition and perceptions!

Mercury transits out of social Sag into hard-working Capricorn on December 6th, the day before the full Moon.  Mercury stays in Capricorn for an extended stay until February 11, 2023, because it retrogrades in Capricorn at the end of the year on December 29, 2022 until January 18, 2023. 

The Cold Full Moon shines in on December 7 as 11:08 pm EST, with the Sun in Sag and Moon in Gemini. The Degree of the Moon at this Full Moon on December 7 is 16  degrees Gemini. Sabian Symbol for 16 Degrees Gemini is: GEMINI 16°): A WOMAN ACTIVIST IN AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH DRAMATIZING HER CAUSE.
KEYNOTE: A passionate response to a deeply felt new experience.

Two days after the full moon, on December 9th Venus pulls a Debbie Downer, going from Socialite in Sagittarius to Scrooge in Capricorn.  People will already be feeling the twinges of recession, as many may be laid off at the end of 2022. Venus in Capricorn brings the focus on to work, and tightening the belt financially.    

It’s buckle down time and get things done from December 10- December 20. 

Jupiter transits into Aries (again) on December 20. Go back and listen to my previous podcast released earlier in 2022 on Jupiter in Aries.   Jupiter  transited through Aries earlier this year from May 11, 2022- October 29, 2022 and then transits Aries from December 21, 2022 to June 17, 2023. When Jupiter is in Aries:  We will be launching new projects, new plans and future gazing for the next 12 year cycle with Jupiter in Aries.  There will be many new developments in technologies, industries, and start-ups.  Aries is an enterprising sign, so we will see the rise of the entrepreneur and new ways of thinking in general.  

The day after Jupiter transits into Aries, the fires are stoked at the Winter Solstice on December 21. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, here in the Northern Hemisphere. It offers inner light to get through the dark days of Winter. It marks the return of the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere.  The Ancients and native cultures have always celebrated these Solar Festivals as powerful times that were worthy of ceremony.

After the Sun transits into Capricorn on the Solstice of 12/21, we celebrate the Capricornian New Moon on December 23. We end 2022 with Mercury going retrograde in C

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