Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Jovial Jupiter Transits Aries: December 20, 2022- May 16, 2023

December 12, 2022 Jill Jardine Season 8 Episode 152

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Welcome to the Podcast episode on JOVIAL JUPITER transiting into the fire sign of Aries!  You’ll want to hear what to expect as this Benefic cosmic giant shifts signs. There’s a whole new planetary vibration occurring in 2023 with Saturn shifting into Pisces and Pluto going into Aquarius, when Jupiter is transiting Aries in 2023!

Jupiter transited  Aries from May 11, 2022, through October 29, 2022 and then backtracked through the late degrees of Pisces.  However, Jolly Giant Jupiter, the Cosmic Santa Claus is back just in time for Christmas.  Jupiter jumps back into Aries from December 20 2022 to May 16, 2023.  We’ll be feeling big shifts of energy when the Cosmic giant Jupiter opens up new portals and potentials. Stay tuned until the end of the episode to find out what Jupiter in Aries means for each Zodiac sign!

In this episode I’m going to discuss the significance of Jupiter in Aries, what Jupiter symbolizes in Astrology, what the sign Aries means for this transit and historical backdrop of previous Jupiter transits in Aries.  You’ll notice a theme during that part of the episode which will help us prepare for this most recent transit.

Jupiter will gather speed through the early months of 2023 as he jolts through Aries getting to the mid degrees of the sign by March 2023. March is when the astrological antics are amped up due to Saturn changing signs into Pisces on the Full Moon of March ;7 and Pluto purging forth into Aquarius on March 23.  Everything is up for renewal as the Spring equinox kicks in and planetary pacing into the new world is full speed ahead! 

In Western Astrology Jupiter will be transiting Aries until May 2023 while in Vedic Astrology Jupiter is transiting in Pisces. Jupiter transits into Aries in Vedic Astrology beginning in April 2023. There are    Different takes on the Jupiterian energies in the western astrological system (called Tropical astrology and the Vedic System (called the sidereal zodiacY.  Because I have been a western astrologer for over 30 years I will be looking at Jupiter in Aries through a tropical astrology lens. 

Jupiter transiting into Aries begins a new Zodiacal cycle as Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac.  It’s a big deal astrologically, because Jupiter, considered the most benefit planet in astrology, also known as the GURU in Vedic Astrology and referred to as the “Cosmic Santa Claus” in Western Astrology will come bearing gifts of wisdom and spiritual unfoldment.  In modern Astrology, Jupiter is given rulership of the sign Sagittarius, which is a fellow fire sign to Aries. We will get lit up with this fiery infusion of inspiration and activity. We will be launching new projects, new plans and future gazing for the next 12 year cycle with Jupiter in Aries.  There will be many new developments in technologies, industries, and start-ups.  Aries is an enterprising sign, so we will see the rise of the entrepreneur and new ways of thinking in general.

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