Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Piscean Planetary Paradigm Shift-Saturn Transits Pisces: March 2023-February 2026

Jill Jardine Season 8 Episode 156

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Get ready for Saturn's 3 year transit of Pisces which will occur from March 7, 2022 - February 2026. Mar  7, 2023 ! Stay tuned until the end of the episode when Jill explains how each Zodiac sign will be affected by this Saturn transit.
Previous Saturn in Pisces transits:  May 1993-April 1996
Mar 23, 1964, - March, 1967; Feb 14, 1935-Apr 25, 1937. Oct 17, 1937- Jan 14, 1938.
If you were born during any of these times, that means you have Saturn in Pisces in your natal birth chart which means you will be experiencing your Saturn return.  
We experience a Saturn Return between 28-30 years old.  So the group born during May 1993-April 1996 will be experiencing their first Saturn Return!  Good Luck!  People born between between March 1964-March 1967 are experiencing their second Saturn return as they push up against the big 6-0. 

The most recent Saturn in Pisces transit was from May 1993-April 1996.  Think about what was happening in your life then. Where you were living, what were your aspirations, what significant events occurred in your life during this time period?

If we go back to the earlier cycle of Saturn in Pisces during Mar 23, 1964, - March, 1967, (March 23rd, 1964, to September 16th, 1964
Big cultural shifts occurred during this cycle because it also coincided with Uranus Pluto conjunction in of 1966-67 in Virgo which opposed Saturn in Pisces. There was revolutionary activity (we will also be having Pluto in Aquarius the revolutionary sign this time around so buckle up with the revolutionary intensity. This was the beginning of the peace, free love, sex and rock-n-roll and drug revolution! Hippies were rampant, flower power was blooming!

The planet Saturn, was named after the Roman Deity, Saturn, whose Greek counterpart was Kronos., known as the Lord of Time, the“grim reaper,” and lord of Karma.  Saturn has a rulership over structure and form, and time and order.    Saturn has rulership over the aging process.

Saturn is the planet of form and Pisces is the spiritual sign of the formless. Pisces  rules the 12 house in astrology, the house of karma and undoing, and the nebulous. Karma comes home to roost. Saturn is the ruler of form, and likes structures and boundaries, and Pisces is the sign of permeable boundaries as symbolized by its ruling element, a mutable water, and it’s totem archetype, two fishes swimming in the ocean. s. So with Saturn in Pisces,  we will witness structures being changed or dissolves, boundaries pushed beyond limits, people uprising against structures that restrict or limit them.  The good news is there will be an infusion of spiritual energies from higher sources, and many will be able to connect to their higher self or spiritual source more than ever before
 Any spiritual practices can be enhanced while Saturn is in Pisces. It’s the perfect time to look inward.  Connect with your creati

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