Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Sanskrit Seed Mantras for the Chakras

Jill Jardine Season 3 Episode 42

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Jill discusses the chakras and shares the "bija" (seed) Sanskrit mantras to activate these seven energy centers. Stay tuned for the last segment of the episode when  Jill leads a meditation to awaken and enliven the seven chakras with their bija mantras.

 Chakras (wheels of light) are vortices where energy flows in and out of the body.  There are seven main chakras in the body: 1st Chakra- Muladhara (root); 2nd Chakra-Svadhistana (naval/sacral center); 3rd Chakra-Manipura (solar plexus); 4th Chakra- Anahata - (heart center); 5th Chakra-Vishuddha (throat center); 6th Chakra-Ajna (Third Eye center; and 7th Chakra- Sahasrara (Crown center).

Chakras can tune into and receive powerful sound frequencies from Shamanic drumming, Kundalini Yoga Gong, Tibetan bowls and Gongs, crystal bowls, Solfeggio Frequencies, Gregorian chants, Tibetan chanting , and Sanskrit Mantras

Solfeggio Frequencies are 7 tones that originated from the ancient spiritual practices of Gregorian chanting and Sanskrit Mantras.  Solfeggio Frequencies profoundly influence the conscious and subsconscious mind and promote healing and vitality.

The 7 main Solfeggio Frequencies and their affects are:  
1) 396 HZ- Liberating guilt, shame and fear
2) 417 HZ - Undoing situations and facilitating change
3) 528 HZ - Transformation and miracles (DNA repair)
4) 639 HZ- Connecting and relationships/ Attract and manifest love
5) 741 HZ - Expressions and solutions
6) 852 HZ- Returning to spiritual order
7) 963 HZ- Spiritual Oneness

The Bija (seed) mantras for the Chakras: 
Root  :  LAM
Naval chakra: VAM
Solar Plexus:  RAM
Heart:  YAM
Throat: HUM
Third eye: OM
Crown: silence after the OM

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