Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

December 2020 Astro Update

Jill Jardine Season 3 Episode 44

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Join seasoned professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, as she explains the keynote astrological features for December 2020.

Hang onto your holiday hats and be flexible with party plans this December when eclipse windows collide with holiday season!  Does that mean our holiday will be "eclipsed" this year due to Covid?  Perhaps. 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 11/30/20 with the Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Gemini spills into December, eclipsing the usual fun and frolic of the holiday season.

Here are the key astrological dates: (U.S. Eastern Standard Time)
November 30:  Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - Sun in Sagittarius/Moon in Gemini
December 14:  New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
December 17:  Saturn transits into Aquarius
December 19: Jupiter transits into Aquarius
December 21: Winter Solstice with pivotal Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius
December 29: Full Moon - Sun in Capricorn/Moon in Cancer

The culmination of months of pandemic and political pandemonium, Covid craziness, and erratic economics and stock market instability come to a crescendo as the 2020 epoch eases down.

New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on December 14th in Sagittarius occurs with degrees of the Galactic Center of 26 degrees Sagittarius, starring a stellium of Capricorn planets that were the karmic cluster of 2020.  We are concluding a cycle with these planets in late degrees of Capricorn, with the help of the Galactic Council!

Saturn and Jupiter transit into Aquarius during the third week of December conjoining together in a cosmic party at the Winter Solstice on 12/21 heralding cosmogonic consciousness shifts! 

Jill discusses what the transits of Saturn and Jupiter mean for the collective and what shifts can we expect in our lives and the world. 

December concludes with a Full Moon on December 12/29 with the Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Cancer closing the the chapter of 2020 in the catalogues of history!

Book an Astrology reading to find out what 2021 has in store for you!

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Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host Jill Jardine, Masters in counseling /psychology, longtime astrologer, psychic healer, Yogi and Sanskrit mantra instructor. In today's episode, I'm going to discuss the astrology of December 2020. It's an extremely active month astrologically so stay tuned. Welcome to the episode on December 2020 astro update. Hang on to your holiday hats and be flexible with your party plans this December when eclipse windows collide with holiday season. Does that mean our holiday will be eclipsed this year due to COVID? Perhaps. Thanksgiving certainly was reined in due to Coronavirus. The culmination of months of pandemic and political pandemonium, COVID craziness and erratic economics and stock market instability come to a head as the 2020 epoch eases down. December will feel like three months in one as there are several major astrological signatures during this concluding chapter of 2020. There are several important dates to be aware of due to lunar activity and big planetary shifts. I'll give you the dates and then break down each one in detail as to what to expect.

So here are the key dates:

November 30. We have a full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the sun in Sagittarius the moon in Gemini. This precurses the month of December, an eclipse leading into December. The next big event is on December 14: New Moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius. December 17: Saturn transits into the sign of Aquarius.

December 19:

Jupiter transits into Aquarius. December 21:We have a historic Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. And we conclude the month on December 29 with a full moon. Sun in Capricorn moon in Cancer. So this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 30. With the sun in Sagittarius and moon in Gemini spills into December, eclipsing the usual fun and frolicking of holiday season. Thanksgiving in the US was curtailed to small family gatherings, or intimate people pods. Super spreader college kedders fled campuses and then came home to stay for Thanksgiving until spring semester starts up bringing COVID with them into communities and suburban spread flares up in early December. Now let me tell you about this eclipse that occurs November 30. It is the fourth lunar eclipse of 2020. That's a lot. We had a lunar eclipse in Capricorn and Cancer on January 10, 2020. We had a June 5 Eclipse-Lunar with the sun and Gemini and moon and Sagittarius, the opposite of the one we're having on November 30. July 4, we had a lunar eclipse with the sun in the sign Cancer and moon in Capricorn. We also had two solar eclipses are having two solar eclipses in 2020 June 21, the summer solstice we had a solar eclipse in the sign Cancer, the first degrees of the sign Cancer, and we're having a solar eclipse on December 14, 2020, with the sun and moon in the sign Sagittarius. So that's six eclipses in one year. That is a lot. Go back and listen to my podcasts on eclipses that I recorded earlier in 2020 with all the information you need to know when an eclipse occurs, whether it's a lunar or solar. And that will help you understand what we're dealing with in December. So this full moon in November, which occurred on the 30th, is called the mourning moon. M-o-u-r-n-i-n-g. Mourning. And this is so apropos as it caps off this year of mourning the losses during 2020, including the many who perished from the pandemic. the loss of jobs, businesses ,livelihoods. social lives, niceties, political civility with neighbors, loss of security and financial stability. It also was symbolic of the end of the old order, outworn energies, and releasing what no longer serves us individually and collectively. The November 30 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse culminates the collective karma of 2020 created by the conjunctions of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. Pandemic, political pandemonium, social unrest, and economic distress were the consequences of this karmic constellation of planets. The November Full Moon Lunar Eclipse activates the astrological axis of Sagittarius and Gemini, which rules politics, international diplomacy, and communication. We will see shifts and changes in these arenas. Lunar eclipses marked endings and many people die during these Eclipse windows, which are the month leading up to the Eclipse and then for several months, two - three months after, so that would bring us through to February. We do see many cycles closing in December 2020, including the 29 year cycle of Saturn in Capricorn, the 12 year cycle of Jupiter in Capricorn, and the eclipse cycle initiated on June 5 2020. The eclipse at the end of November, augurs a new day dawning on the horizon, initiated by the New Moon solar eclipse of December 14, and the much heralded historic conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020. And the final closing of the 2020 chapter with the December 29. Full Moon. We can use this time between the Full Moon Lunar eclipse of November 30, and the new moon solar eclipse of December 14, to continue to release, reset and reboot for a brighter time ahead. Big astrological shifts kick in during mid December, ushered in by the New Moon solar eclipse on December 14. New Moon in Sagittarius allows us to see an expanded perception of our own lives, including the bigger picture, personally and universally. This is a total solar eclipse with the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. Reminds me of that Bonnie Tyler 1980 song,"Total Eclipse of the Heart." One of the early MTV videos. If you were around then you might remember it. If someone is born around this time in mid-December -well if they're born, if your birthday is mid-December, Sagittarian you may have to be more careful in the coming birth year. As your natal Sun is being eclipsed, take care of health and personal business and be prudent in the next six months. So the thing about total solar eclipses or total lunar eclipses, they can leave destructive fall-out and big changes in the coming months to the countries that are in the path of the eclipse. Chile, Argentina, Antarctica, southern tip of South America, and southwest Africa are all in the path of this solar eclipse. We might see some major issues occurring in these areas of the world in the coming months. Also, solar eclipses tend to bring big Earth changes, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geo-cataclysmic events may happen. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer. But that's what eclipses tend to do. However, this solar eclipse may have shock waves for everyone. As we see major changes and global resets around the world. Sun, Moon and earth are realigning and there is apt to be significant fall-out here on planet Earth. Interestingly, this new moon solar eclipse occurs within degrees of the Galactic Center point- 26 degrees Sagittarius is the galactic center -and this occurs at 23- this new moon. And it also stars a stellium of Capricorn planets that were the keynote karmic cluster of 2020. During this eclipse, we are concluding a cycle with these planets in the late degrees of Capricorn with the help of the Galactic Council. And we'll talk about who they are and what energy that Galactic Council has to do with our planet and another podcast. The Debbie Downer energy, which was Saturn in Capricorn is about to go galactic as Saturn transits into Aquarius on December 17. And Jupiter joins in this 11th sign elevation on December 19. Conjoining together in a cosmic copulation at the Winter Solstice on December 21, heralding cosmogonic consciousness shifts. Wow, I can't wait! Tis the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Do you think humanity is finally ready to wake up? It's time to realize that the shadow outbreaks of pandemic and violence on the planet enhanced this past year were happening so humankind can shift its consciousness into new ways of being. Do you want to enhance peace vibrations within self and align with increased infusions of spiritual light this December at this new moon and at the winter solstice? During this holiday season, be the peace you want to see in the world and be the light. Cosmic beams from our Galactic Center are amplifying both the light and shadow, exposing the darkness as it seeps to the surface of our collective awareness. Mars in Aries and Saturn finishing in Capricorn complete their tension and ongoing square bringing up challenges and will continue in different signs as Mars goes into Taurus in January 2021. And Saturn goes into Aquarius. The square will show up in a different way, which will be more economically and financially reaping outcome in a challenging way. The Sabian Symbol, (which is an archetypal system, describing the 360 degrees of the zodiac), for the new moon on December 14

at 23 degrees, Sagittarius say:

" A group of immigrants as they fulfill the requirements of entrance into the new country". Sabian Symbols were channeled back at the turn of the century by visionaries and they're basically a description of what that degree of the zodiac means. So again for this pivotal 23 degrees of Sagittarius, which is the new moon degree in December:"A group of immigrants as they fulfill the requirements of entrance into the new country." So this means "consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience in readiness for the opportunities it will present. As we pass any threshold leading to a new realm of existence, we have to meet certain requirements and the necessity to adjust to new ways of life in action, thought, and feeling. At times this may seem an ordeal but it is inevitable. Everything that will follow depends largely on how we cross this threshold. And on the spirit in which we meet unfamiliar and perhaps shocking experiences. We find ourselves in a period of transition. We have to imitate yet retain our inner integrity." What a great archetype or metaphor for what is happening this December starting at this new moon solar eclipse. We are about to shift. And this new moon solar eclipse leads into a major astrological event as Saturn, the taskmaster, karmic lord and timekeeper, in astrology, shifts into the sign Aquarius on December 17. It's going to be a whole different party, folks. In Aquarius, Saturn seeks to build innovative social structures. This air sign of Aquarius is known for its progressive humanitarian, intellectual, and visionary processes. In Aquarius, Saturn focuses on the needs of the group, shifting the collective into a new stage with new rules, regulations, and systems. So yay! December 17, Saturn finally leaves Capricorn, its home sign, which was grueling in clearing karma, working hard, and following the rules of the status quo. Saturn in Capricorn is like the old school dad who is a tough disciplinarian, because that's all he knows. We all lived through it for the last couple years. Saturn was in Capricorn since December 19, 2017 through March 21, 2020, when it touched its toe into Aquarius for a brief stint from March 21 - July 1, 2020. And then Saturn rolled back into Capricorn from July 1 -December 17 2020. Where it's been all work and no play. Just what Saturn demands from us work, work, work. What a relief now! Saturn shifting into progressive, forward-thinking, revolutionary Aquarius, from December 17, 2020 -March 7, 2023. Our societies and consciousness will shift in positive directions, for sure. For those of you who like to keep track of cycles, the last time that Saturn transited Aquarius was February 6, 1991- May 21 1993. And then again from June 30, 1993-January 28 ,1994. What happened in your life then? iO you were even alive? Or did you incarnate then? This was a very prolific cycle for me personally. I met my future husband, (he was also from a past life )in June 1991. And I was married and had a child during Saturn's transit in Aquarius in the early 90s. I'm looking forward to birthing more beautiful experiences and creative endeavors during this next transit of Saturn and Aquarius from December 17, 2020- 2023. So some things we can all expect with the Saturn transit and Aquarius. It will shift the focus from the Capricornian survival and scarcity, reliance on old structures, whether government or societal, which happened to be crumbling during the Coronavirus. Self preservation was paramount when Saturn transited in Capricorn since 2017 - 2020. It forced the tightening of the belt and returnto old values. Saturn was the teacher in the school of hard knocks, traveling through Capricorn. Bye Bye, Capricornian karmic cluster! Now with Saturn in Aquarius, we can focus on the big vision. What are our personal and collective hopes, dreams, goals and new structures we want to build? Aquarius is the sign of the group, the community, the greater good, friendships, social lives, socialization. We will also look at group preservation as opposed to personal preservation- self preservation. A keynote for Saturn transiting Aquarius could be "all for one and one for all"l or "what is good for the goose is good for the gander" We will be able to get out there to work and play together with Saturn transiting Aquarius for the next few years. Jupiter's also transiting the sign of Aquarius in 2021. It goes in on December 19, 2020 and goes to 2021. And Jupiter will be in Aquarius from 12/19/20 -12/30/2021, with a little foray into Pisces from May 13 -July 29, 2021. So Jupiter transiting Aquarius is obviously good for Aquarians and other air signs, Gemini and Libra. And I'm going to talk about the astrology of 2021 and Sun Sign forecasts for each sign in a future podcast. So stay tuned for that. So here we are December 17 Saturn into Aquarius,December 19, Jupiter in. And what I'm going to share about Saturn in Aquarius goes for Jupiter transiting here too. It is the Unity Consciousness shift. We're all in this together. It reminds me of that

song from the 60s:

"Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, got to love one another right now." So when Saturn and Jupiter transit through Aquarius, there will be many technological advances, especially from now until 2023. These advances will be in areas such as medicine, holistic health, biotech, artificial intelligences, robotic cars, robotic machines. Space travel will become advanced. We'll get that much closer to Star Trek as well space discoveries and advances in quantum physics. Aquarius is a scientific oriented sign. The pioneer and visionary looking to advance the species. When Saturn transited Aquarius 60 years ago, in 1961- 63 under the Kennedy presidency in the US, we had the space race boom, and his administration was the "New Frontier." And then the last time Saturn transited in Aquarius in 1991-93, we had Steve Jobs and the other pioneers in computer fields, working behind the scenes to bring on the technological revolution and computers, which blossomed in the mid 90s. For you youngsters out there born in

the early 90s:

Guess what? We had no personal computers, laptops, iPhones, iPads during this past transit in the 90s, the early 90s of Saturn in Aquarius. There were no, none of the luxury technologies we have now. But they were being conceived as was the internet. So they were all being conceived during the last transit of Saturn in Aquarius and then trotted out to the world shortly after. So there will be many inventions being worked on in the next few years that will become part of our lives in the mid 2020's. If we know which house in our natal chart holds Aquarius, we can prepare for the next few years to see where there will be a lot of action in our lives. Also, if we know we have planets in Aquarius, those planets and their archetypal energies will be activated. This is a great time to consult your favorite Astrologer, Jill Jardine. We all have the sign Aquarius somewhere in our charts. So that area will be tested by Saturn, but also expanded by Jupiter which also travels through Aquarius during 2021. So we can look forward to the shift in consciousness with Saturn going into Aquarius on the 17th of December, and Jupiter following on December 19. So some things we need to know about Saturn as it makes a transition into a different sign. Wherever Saturn transits, it can be a taskmaster, looking to simplify and fine-tune our lives, so we can follow our soul's dharmic path or destiny. Saturn looks at practical ways to redefine our lives and demands that we be truthful to ourselves. Saturn tests us not to be a Debbie Downer, but to help polish to the gem that is our character and self. Saturn will reveal our weak areas that need strengthening. Saturn takes its time. It's a good thing because it teaches many lessons along the way. Eventually and ideally we'll understand that is only ourselves who we can control. And with Saturn transiting in Aquarius will realize that we are more responsible for ourselves because how we will impact the greater good, and improve our community and collective. While Saturn is in Aquarius, there will be initiations. We'll be looking for quality over quantity, trimming the fat of our lives, the unnecessary, and getting away from dramas. We will be more discerning where we put our time and energy. We will also be critically assessing our social lives and who we connect with, what our ideals and principles are and those that we associate with. And the groups that we connect with, and our group involvement, and how can we contribute to the greater good the community, the world, the planet. Jupiter, also in Aquarius, will give a big boost to socialization, connection, technologies that boost connections with others. Many new ideas and approaches will bubble up in the next year. It will be an exciting time to be alive as opposed to the challenging times of 2020. It's a great time for technological advances that improve the community that bring more structure to our lives, and help us connect more effectively. Even so there can be more rules and structures imposed upon technologies that may feel restrictive, compared to what we've been used to. And that's good for those of you who listen to Kerry Brett podcast, "Shot at Love." There'll be some more dating apps showing up there, thanks to Jupiter in Aquarius that allows connection. So Jupiter and Saturn, then come together and meet in the great conjunction of December 21, 2020. The winter solstice. This is being looked forward to as the best of times for some. And some are seeing some doom and gloom in this. I am an astrologer that sees the best, or the potentials. And so this conjunction on the winter solstice, I think portends big shifts in consciousness. I also think there's going to be splits in consciousness. There may be those people vibrating on a denser plane of awareness or existence. And then there will be those of us who will evolve into a lifestyle that we have been imagining, and planning for years. So there's going to be big shifts in consciousness. And the keynote of this is that where you put your energy thus you'll manifest your reality. And this will be enhanced and accelerated during 2021. In fact, Aquarius is lightning. It's ruled by the planet, Uranus, and things hit us like lightning. So we'll have spontaneous awakenings, shifts in consciousness, but things will also move really, really fast. That's why use our time here in December, especially if we go into more Coronavirus restrictions. Use the time here as we complete 2020 to really do some self-care and healing and catch your breath and get ready for the turbo drive of 2021. So this conjunction on the winter solstice is the beginning of the new energies coming into the planet or the enhancement of those energies that we have been feeling almost like trickling in. This is being heralded as a historic conjunction of these two planets which triggers a new age and consciousness for humanity. Jupiter is the great expander and Saturn can be a contracter. Jupiter gives out and Saturn restricts. Jupiter is the balloon filling up with helium but Saturn makes sure it doesn't expand to be too big or expand too fast or it will pop. So with Jupiter and Saturn traveling together, we will see both the expansion principle of Jupiter reined in by the discerning and constricting energy of Saturn. However, Jupiter leaves Aquarius for a brief stint to transit Pisces in April for several months. And that could be when the Jupiterian bubble pops and the economy takes a hit. More on that in the future podcast of the astrology of 2021. With Jupiter and Saturn transiting Aquarius realities are shifting daily. So don't worry about making solid plans quite yet. Nothing is as it seems to be and we have to be very centered in every moment. There are energetic overlays occurring simulataneously as the existing third dimensional reality makes way for higher dimensional infusion. What does that mean you ask? It's quite simple. What do you like about your life that you want to keep perpetuating and expand upon? What don't you like about your life and are ready to change or release? It's all happening now. It's only in this moment that you have any power. Very Zen-Huh. We need to be flexible and go with the flow if we are to keep our cool this month in the midst of all these shifts and changes during the holiday season. So the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, December 21. Marking the return of the sun in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancients and native cultures have always celebrated the solar festivals as powerful times that were worthy of ceremony. Fires were lit to honor the winter and summer solstices. Thus, the tradition of lighting the Yule Log derives from our pagan ancestors. Theosophical teachings, which emerged in the late 19th century, derived from the Vedic wisdom of India, predicted the increasing importance of honoring the Full Moon, New Moon, Equinox and Solstice cycles during the coming Aquarian Age. Well, here we are in that Aquarian Age. And so any ceremony, or ritual, prayer, or mantra that we perform on December 21, will be empowered at this winter solstice, especially with the grand conjunction occurring. The salsas fire urges us to light the fire within and let it shine brightly. So the "Anis Horibus" year of 2020, (remember Queen Elizabeth said that about 1992). But I think this year was worse than that even though Harry and Megan did step out of the royal family demands during 2020. 2020 will be looked back as quite the challenging year. It ends with a full moon on December 29, with the sun in Capricorn and moon in Cancer, closing the chapter of 2020 in the analogues of history. This is the signature that brought in the Coronavirus with the same full moon on January 10, 2020. I believe this is the exit cue for COVID and its current virulent form, which will be mitigated in 2021 by vaccines, pharmaceutic viral cocktails, and machines to clear germs and viruses from our spaces. So, in your own life, this full moon helps you close out the year 2020. And the lessons that you learned specifically around home and family are indicated by the Cancer moon and your business or professional life indicated by the Capricorn sun. So do a ritual. Do a prayer. Do a blessing for yourself as 2020 concludes as brighter days are ahead in 2021 with planetary conjunctions, planetary movement, shining down upon us and sending blessings for shifts in consciousness. Namaste! I hope you enjoyed this episode on the Astrology of December 2020. Remember to subscribe, and share this episode and all the episodes of Cosmic Scene and please give us a 5-star review. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine signing out sending healing cosmic vibrations through the quantum field.